Innovation Powered by Women
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The elevation of women into the workforce since the industrial revolution has indeed proven to be a phenomenal game changer. But many would argue that the phenomenon took shape out happenstance.
Today, across decades, women account for 47.7% of the global workforce. 50.2% of the college-educated workforce are women. Yet, for the past 20 years, the number of women software engineers has increased by only 2%, and only 27.1% of women are managers and business leaders.
Nazeera Dawood, expresses the same in more of a direct tone. “Women as leaders in technology and solution-innovation should not be an interesting statistic or even a feel-good outcome. It should be a. target. A proven effective, albeit underutilized strategy for the benefit of business in general.” Dr. Dawood, Co-Founder and CEO of Vendorship, Inc. had just completed the first in a planned series of mentoring sessions along with a handful of other notable women executives. The mentors responded to program organizers at the metro Atlanta-based Innovation Academy in collaboration with the business co-op Tech Alpharetta.
If you’re in business, or if you are a decision-maker on your job, and especially if you happen to be a woman, we hope this note nudges you to be intentional in discovering the advantage formula in developing leadership instincts among young women.
The VendorshipJourney is powered by more than 65 years of high-level executive government management, procurement and appropriations experience to better position any company, large or small, to sustain valuable longer-term partnerships with government to satisfy the shifting dynamics of constituent need.