Innovation in the Post-COVID Era
Just as we were not prepared for the massive digital transformation that took us by surprise, our platforms and equipment are not ready for the massive social changes approaching us.
Innovation is something that humans have always loved. To innovate, to progress, to evolve. Technologically we have developed many things to date; we have advanced and renewed, but then came the pandemic and we suddenly discovered that all our systems were not prepared to handle providing virtual services remotely.
The health care system wasn't ready, the food system wasn't ready, security systems were not ready, the education system wasn't ready - none of our major systems had prepared itself for this. The coronavirus came and revealed to us that we need to move fast. We need to develop new things that will enable organizations, public institutions, even small businesses, and basically anyone who wants to function, to set themselves up online to be able to provide services to the public.
Our Digital Transformation is Incomplete
Our digital transformation happened much faster than it would have under normal circumstances. But I don't think this is the way for successful companies to overcome the current crisis -- not from a general technological perspective, and digital in particular. The purpose for setting up online has only been to create favorable conditions for management and success, right up to serving the last citizen. However, there is nothing significant or purposeful about our current digital assets for shaping the new gateways to success. They are simply utilities through which we execute our plans. Quality professional knowledge is the last problem we need to worry about. What do we need to concern ourselves with? Smart leaders will focus on how to deal with evolution, understanding who can stop it, and most importantly - who can resist it.
There is nothing significant or purposeful about our current digital assets for shaping the new gateways to success. They are simply utilities through which we execute our plans. Quality professional knowledge is the last problem we need to worry about. What do we need to concern ourselves with? Smart leaders will focus on how to deal with evolution, understanding who can stop it, and most importantly - who can resist it.
At the end of the day Covid-19 revealed just how much we are connected to each other, and how interdependent we are. To what extent we are controlled by nature and how we don't have any idea how to deal with it. So we'll have to all figure this out together - all of humanity - all eight billion of us - how to avoid receiving more blows like this that throw the business world into chaos.
At the end of the day Covid-19 revealed just how much we are connected to each other, and how interdependent we are. To what extent we are controlled by nature and how we don't have any idea how to deal with it. So we'll have to all figure this out together - all of humanity - all eight billion of us - how to avoid receiving more blows like this that throw the business world into chaos.
In other words, the main innovation we need to be focusing on is not necessarily in the digital field but rather in the ecological field, or more precisely in the social field. Acquiring new ecological habits will not help us deal with nature. We need to stop spoiling all of nature, destroying the earth, and it is clear that it all stems from human society. It's our inflated egos that are to blame. Everyone wants to build themselves up on account of others and profit off everyone, and let's face it - just be above everyone else. The integral nature that we're facing simply won't tolerate it.
The Next Wave of Innovation
What exactly should the next wave of innovation be about? The new innovation will be social. We'll become aware of how dependent we feel on each other and that this needs to be a positive type of dependence, unlike all this testing and regulations which is a negative type of dependence on each other.
We have no inclination or desire to see ourselves as being part of one integral system. Which is really unfortunate because this is the next field of innovation, this is the next economy, this is the future.
Why are we experiencing this negative reaction from nature? Look how badly we treat other humans; how much we disregard our human connection; we don't really want the good of others, and mainly only look out for ourselves. We have no inclination or desire to see ourselves as being part of one integral system. Which is really unfortunate because this is the next field of innovation, this is the next economy, this is the future.
Here are three innovative changes that I would like to see develop:
1. The awareness that we belong to one system.
2. That our good future depends on us treating each other well.
3. Learning the rules of the system, and how to implement them in our connection.
With regard to technology, all the new changes must come to support the advancement of these processes. Unfortunately we're not there yet, so there are no tangible examples to share. But it is something we'll have to deal with. Just as we were not prepared for the massive digital transformation that took us by surprise, our platforms and equipment are not ready for the massive social changes approaching us.
Christine McDougall, Paul Epping, Audrey Lobo-Pulo, Anne Marie Corless, Caroline Williams. This might resonate with you too :) All the tools, technology and inventions of the future need to be held in the hands of conscious leaders who in turn regularly report to a #valuescouncil to ensure they're not starting to erode company and human values along the way to success, profit and impact. #syntropicworld