Innovation & One Health Edition
Ceva has become a world leader in veterinary vaccines, with 46% of its product portfolio now dedicated to preventive health
Marc Prikazsky, CEO at Ceva Sante Animale, talks about what the "One Health" approach means for his organization, which are the challenges, and why it is important to work together with other players in the industry.?
How can we decisively step up our fight against the growing AMR threat??
Elcin Barker Ergun, CEO at Menarini Group, writes about the importance of committing to the fight against the AMR bacteria, and explains how they focus their efforts and the alliances needed to achieve results.?
Generics support One Health by ensuring access to all
Mari Saarteinen, communications at Access VetMed, explains how the ability to treat animals, when they get sick, contributes to the health and well-being osociety at large.?
One Health: reflection, a key aspect for taking action.
The Board of Directors of the One Health Platform presents its vision on the approach in Spain and the challenges to take action.
(Article in Spanish)
Barriers to digitalization in healthcare
In this article, Infermedica — a leading digital health company — identifies barriers to digital solutions adoption in healthcare and proposes ways of eliminating such barriers.
Especialista en aliment, seg alimen, nut y sostenib. Prof. Asoc Fisiol Vegetal UCM. Prof Asoc SA CEU USP; Prof. Col. Honorif. UVa. ORCID: 0000-0003-0745-0816 Researcher ID: AAO-5135-2020 Scopus Author ID: 24588261800
2 年It is very important to include plant health in the infographic done by One Health approach,-en-frances-