Innovation Matrix
So i was going through my Laptop "Attic" the other day - looking for some consulting materials I worked on a few years back that could prove useful to some current clients.
Thought I would share it with you all - heres the background
I took on a client that needed me to literally look at over 200 business ideas for their organisation (accumulated over a 2 year period of brainstorming internally)
They had a funding window and wanted to get some of them approved - pronto !
Well i hauled something together quickly that allowed a small Team to sift through every one of those studies and find us the main candidates to then perform much more due diligence, feasibility studies and deeper business cases.
It was a crazy few weeks....we ate slept and breathed this matrix as we scored each idea (and many were quite complex)
In the end we got those 200 down to about 10...and as part of those I must admit 3 were brand new ideas I threw into the mix based on my own review and perspective of what this Organisations SWOT etc really was .....and where the true potential was for business growth.
It was brutal and many feathers got ruffled - right up to the top of the organisation (why has MY idea been rejected ?)
But that's just the way it is we have to challenge one another to ensure we get the best results and outcomes ...for me 2 people in a room consistently saying the same things and agreeing all the time is wasting a spot at the table ! ....create teams with different points of view to ensure some real debate and deliberation is going into those decisions....but that's perhaps another story for another time.....
Anyway I hope its useful .....ignore some of the ££ valuations in there ...that was just as a marker for the organisation I was working with at the time.
heres the Link........ minicase
Contact me at [email protected] if you want to chat more about how best to use it