The Innovation | Master: Erik Jeppesen

The Innovation | Master: Erik Jeppesen

Research Interests

His main research topics are aquatic ecology with special emphasis on the biological structure and interactions with the nutrient dynamics and climate in lakes. Lake restoration, lake-re-establishment, palaeoecology and ecosystem modeling are other major research fields. He has conducted fieldwork on lakes from the high Arctic to the tropics and on all continents apart from Antarctica. He works with more than 180 research groups across the world. At present he is working on a large project, supported by TüBITAK, Turkey, on the ecosystem effects of salinization of lakes related to climate change and water abstraction.

Classic Figures

1.Lakes show non-linear shift in structure and function along a salinity gradient. 

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The Innovation2020, 1(2), 10003; Water Research2017, 124, 618- 629; Ecosystems, 2007, 10, 47-57

2.Control from above in the food web (by fish) is the lowest at intermediate nutrient concentrations in lakes, and lower in deep than shallow lakes. 

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Ecosystems2003, 6, 313-325

3.Regime shift in lakes from benthic to pelagic production when a (depth dependent) TP threshold is reached.

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Limnology & Oceanography2003, 48, 1408-1418

Selected Publications 

  1. Jeppesen E., M. Beklio?lu, K. ?zkan & Z. Akyürek, Salinisation increase due to global change will have substantial negative effect on inland waters and freshwater resources: A call for multifaceted research at the local and global scale. The Innovation2020,1(2), 100030.
  2. Davidson T.A., J. Audet, E. Jeppesen et al., Synergy between nutrients and warming enhances methane ebullition from shallow lakes. Nature Climate Change2018, 8, 156-160.
  3. Jeppesen E., S. Brucet, L. Naselli-Flores et al., Ecological impacts of global warming and water abstraction on lakes and reservoirs due to changes in water level and salinity.  Hydrobiologia, 2015, 570, 201-227.
  4. Jeppesen E., M. S?ndergaard, T.L. Lauridsen et al., Biomanipulation as a restoration tool to combat eutrophication: recent advances and future challenges. Advances in Ecological Research2015, 47, 411-487.
  5. Post E., M. C. Forchhammer, S. Bret-Harte et al., Ecological dynamics in the Arctic associated with recent climate change. Science2009, 325, 1355-1358.
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Lead Contact

Address: Gravmosevej 23, DK-8600, Silkeborg, Denmark

Phone: +45 30783165

Email: ej/AT/


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