Wing. Commander. Bhupendra Renjen
I am a Serial Entrepreneur & Investor I CEO @ Global Nexus I Founder Arise NGO
Innovation, when asked the meaning of, is often described as finding something new or devising a new method or having an idea. But there is so much more to this word. Innovation represents the whole process, from the spark of a unique idea to the work and hardships behind bringing forth the idea into a live form which makes our life easier in some way or another. If you look around and observe, you will be fascinated by the fact that we constantly are surrounded by objects which have a story of this ‘innovation’ behind them.
Innovation has been broken down into various types and through different perspectives; Social and disruptive innovations. Even innovation by following basic steps and procedures is realized in innovation management. But just like success, there is no formula to this, also remember these two are co-related.
It’s about timing, the relevance of your idea compared to the current scenario, how well it plays along with the people's ongoing life, and merges with it. Many of you may have noticed the importance of selling the idea effectively in the first place is quite a factor too.
Innovation must be revolutionary in its own way and bring change. If these criteria are met, so will be the financial one.
Innovation as a process is just like golf, it’s not only about precision with a plan of action but also requires spot-on timing and the perfect amount of driving force to start off.
Our role models are very different, some have the one which resembles their personality, maybe they are from the same place or they are in the same line of a career as you want to be. But one thing that they all have in common is their ability to stand out as a person and as an innovator, they hit all the factors through the ‘innovation journey’.
Innovation is synonymous with risk-taking and people who create revolutionary products or technologies, taking on the greatest risk because they create new markets. As mentioned before, it’s not just the idea of the product which makes it a deal, the drive to be the change and not to be a follower but create opportunities for others and become the best in your field is what sums it all up.
In this series of articles, we talk about the importance of innovation and how it constantly helps us evolve through time, discover the new plane of existence, and brings forth opportunities every day which may be seen and worked upon or neglected, as by many.
We will go through a lot of unseen and unspoken hardships that great personalities go through to prove their point to transform lives and what more than just an idea lies to this word ‘innovation’. We will discover the vastness of this topic throughout different sections and the impact of such developments both on the outside world and the changes within the process itself. The connection between technology and an abstract idea about what the future has in store for us relates directly to this and maybe the path to innovative changes is unknown but some tips along the way can definitely help you carve your way through effectively. After all, “What is now proved was once only imagined.”, true words by William Blake, signify the constant passion that is required in this process of proving your consciousness to the world and chase the impossible to turn it around.
Finding something exquisite,
improving upon an existing outcome
or satisfying the ‘need of hour’, all of it