Innovation @ the Interfaces
As we enter the first month of new year, our goal should be to look at ways to innovate in our workspaces. How can we build better product, process and systems that would enable us and our company to perform at its best and above all build world class products.
One way to think about building a good model should be to look at the interfaces. The interface between Research and Advanced Development, interface between Advanced Development and Development, or the interfaces between Developed products in market and customer reactions. Each of these interfaces would enable us to ask questions that otherwise gets neglected in the maze of product lifecycle. Above all these questions would speed our product development cycles and help us to build process and products that resonate with customers.
The key to building great products is our capability to take calculated risks which in turn requires constant effort, experimentation and iteration. Take few moments of your work day to look at these interfaces to bring forth our creativity and developing world class products.?