Innovation Insights - August 2024
Featured this month:
Maximising innovation opportunities in digital medicine
Digital medicine is a vast discipline encompassing many interconnected elements. Yet the vast, complex, and dynamic nature of digital medicine can make it hard to identify technically feasible and commercially viable concepts. To help companies navigate this exciting and potentially lucrative space, we’ve created a Digital Medicine Landscaping Tool. It’s an interactive taxonomy of digital medicine which encompasses measurement and intervention cycles for a comprehensive range of prevention, detection, and intervention episodes.
Female nutrition: act now to seize the opportunity
Food and beverage companies have much to gain from the shift towards holistic nutrition for women. So, what is the current state of the market, where are the unmet needs, and how can they be addressed? Ankita Singal-Sareen and Erica Kantor from our R&D Strategy and Innovation team shine a light on this growing category.
It’s time to get pragmatic about plastics in packaging
Single-mindedly backing one packaging material (e.g. paper) over another (e.g. plastic) in the name of environmental sustainability misses the point. In fact, it only serves to distract from the seriousness and complexity of the issues that industry must tackle. Read the insight to find out why a more balanced perspective is needed.??
How we can help
Sagentia Innovation is a global advisory and product development business working to help every client extract maximum value from their R&D and innovation investments. Contact us to find out more.