Innovation Framework for Hard Technologies
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Innovation Framework for Hard Technologies

One of my previous articles on LI ( touched upon a volumetric productivity argument to look at reducing our carbon footprint and create a more sustainable future. It does not talk about any specifics about a viable innovation framework that can deliver hard technologies (e.g., energy efficiency, energy storage, electrochemical process for bulk chemicals, development and production of new materials). I have read few books on innovation (many by Clayton Christensen are good to read) and I have also taken a course recently on innovation, but I feel like all of them don't give the right framework for us to innovate and improve ROI on breakthrough projects by focusing on the right problems and approaches. This is especially true for hard technologies as the typical approaches described are more applicable for innovations related to software and business models where one can iterate much faster with minimal spend and one can de-risk by Gorilla marketing or creating a Minimum viable Product (MVP) or imbibe some of the agile techniques to get market feedback soon. For hard breakthrough technologies, the development time is extremely long with huge cost implications and also the chances of success are low as one needs to displace existing technologies that had the opportunity to mature for decades through incremental and step-changes. This means not only you have few tries to get it right but the probability of success is stacked against you. For this reason, I particularly like the book on Skunk Works (by Ben Rich) - not just because I am an Aerospace Engineer but it offers a lot for us to glean into without spelling out a recipe for innovation. The attributes of developing a stealth plane that can outcompete our enemy within a short development time are similar to the hard technologies we need for low carbon emission technologies. Based on that and my current experience trying to develop some breakthrough technologies, I have loosely formulated a five-dimensional framework for effective innovation. Thanks to many wonderful mentors and colleagues of mine who have paved the path to this transition from a National Lab Researcher to an Industrial Researcher over the past five years that I have been in the Industry. I thought, I would share this with you all so that we can learn from each other in order to accelerate development of new technologies that can lead to more sustainable solutions.?I will make some references to the specific development of F117 Nighthawk at Skunk Works as a way to drive my message but it is equally applicable to technologies around energy and chemical industry (maybe at some future date I can talk about my work that would fit within this framework).

What I am about to share at first glance seems very obvious and people might have interleaved aspects of these into their innovation projects. By putting this framework down on paper helped me to accelerate some of the developments that I am working on and would be curious about what works for you or what does not. These are the five steps of the innovation framework and in most cases sequential but some of the steps could be out of order at times:

  1. Problem worth solving: This is the most obvious but sometimes folks miss out on this. Partly because people do not factor in the chance of success. If one is going after a breakthrough technology, the chances of success going through the various TRL levels is multiplicative and that is why we need to identify problems that can have a very large impact to balance the risk/benefit equation. In case of Skunk Works, STEALTH was that game changing problem that can give you dominance. Another way to frame this is in terms of solution: What Does Success Look Like? In the case of Stealth, it could be like: I need an aircraft that at will can fly through the former Soviet Union's Space undetected (or delayed detection to buy time from counter measures) and collect the needed intelligence or perform a certain operation.
  2. Rate-limiting steps: I use the chemical reaction jargon here but it is good to first identify the key rate limiting steps to solve the above identified problem. Some people term this also as "critical paths to success." Again this can be done very methodically and there are many people in the field who can identify these rate-limiting steps and the better ones can even prioritize and quantify the benefits. Most the of the times the issue is that the project leaders and members lose sight of these rate-limiting steps and people start working on things that are peripheral without addressing the high priority ones. In the case of Skunk Works and Stealth - it is clear that if one can eliminate or minimize the detectable reflections of edges and corners, one can have a superior stealth capability. For many other problems in the energy/chemical space, one needs to dig deeper to identify the rate-limiting steps.
  3. Novel idea: In my opinion, this is the most critical step for innovation and this could be either a business or technology idea. The reason being that many smart people ahead of us have already done A) and B) - the only reason there is not a solution because they didn't try an idea that trumps either what is in practice or what has been tried by many along the way and maybe failed many times (some reported and many not-reported). From this perspective, more out-of-box the solution is, the higher the probability that someone has not tried it and possibly you will have a greater chance of success - that is if the idea has merit and based on strong fundamentals - this part could be stress tested through hypothesis testing quite efficiently. In the case of Skunk Works, for the stealth problem, the novel idea is whether we can optimize the design of a plane to have very low radar cross-section based on how radio waves scatter from the different surfaces and edges of the plane? The working formula before F117 Nighthawk ( to have either smooth surfaces (to minimize reflections) with appropriate coating (to absorb radio waves) as in B2 or fly high enough to be out of the radar range and fast enough for counter measures (U2 and Black Bird). The counter to this from the Soviets was to keep increasing the radar range. In the case of F117, Step C came after Step D - a unique insight or capability led to the idea.
  4. Unique Capabilities: This could be a new tool, a new telescope, a new microscope, a new higher fidelity characterization technique, a theoretical insight, a new modeling tool or technique, a new manufacturing technique, etc. If someone before you, had gone through steps A-C, what could have limited them is the inability to observe or model or understand to be successful. We have seen again and again in history that a new tool that advances our ability in return advances our understanding leading to advances in technology. In the case of F117 development, it was accidental discovery by a Skunk Works' applied mathematician, Denys Overholser, of a seminal paper titled "Method of Edge Waves in the Physical Theory of Diffraction" by a Soviet mathematician, Pyotr Ufimtsev, of former Soviet Union. This paper was published in 1964 but Denys only saw the translated English version 8 years later. The work for the first time gave an ability to calculate radio waves scattering of the edges and prior to that one could only calculate scattering from flat surfaces. Now using this knowledge, Denys developed a code and was able to design a plane that has radar cross-section of a bird even when it is visible. The problem was that the aerodynamics of such an object would make it not airworthy. Luckily, the aerodynamic capabilities at Skunk Works were the best in the class and it was also the right timing for the availability of computer hardware and software to implement fly-by-wire controls that made the near impossibility of flying something like F117 possible. The irony of the matter is that the key knowledge came from former Soviet Union - where they did not understand the value of the fundamental insight and it was released to their arch rival who used that unique insight to innovate. F117 was never deployed against former Soviet Union and its stealth capacity was in full display during the opening night of the first Gulf War.
  5. Urgency and Persistence: Skunk Works (as was described in the book) under Kelly Johnson was a highly innovative organization that turned out one successful plane after another as they imbibed both urgency and persistence. To achieve the near impossible, people should work as if every second of the day is important but at the same time not give up when they come across the first obstacle. I see a very lackadaisical approach in long-term R&D projects and we can learn a lot from Skunk Works of yesteryears. The advantage is that they had the reputation at that time that entitled them to have a blank check from US Govt., near complete freedom from Lockheed management, and they had access to all the top talent from a much larger Lockheed.?The ROI for Lockheed is that the edge that they could get from Skunk Works translated to an advantage when they went after larger contracts from the government delivering next generation planes.

Homo Sapiens have come a long way over the last 200,000 years through innovations (as detailed in NOVA's Great Human Odyssey) and it is that time again where we have to innovate at a rapid pace to overcome the looming challenge of climate change (if we can look past the current COVID crisis). Hope an innovation framework like the one detailed above would be useful to go after the grand challenges around sustainable growth while retaining most of attributes of modern living that we got used.

Looking forward to your comments, thoughts, and feedback.

p.s. This blog post reflects my personal opinion (as an independent professional) and not of my employer.

p.s2. It has been a while since I have read Skunk Works (and I gave my copy to my nephew) and hope I was able to get all the facts straight.?

p.s3. Minor editorial changes on May 6, 2022.

Sreekanth Pannala, Ph.D.

Stay Curious | Sustainable energy, processes, and materials

6 个月

One use case of this innovation framework and another one is brewing. Hopefully many more to come.

Dr. rer. nat. Mukesh Agrawal

SABIC | TU Dresden, Germany | IIT Delhi, India

2 年

An insightful read.. thanks for sharing, Sreekanth!

Dibyendu Mukherjee

Associate Professor @ University of Miami | Ph.D., Nanoparticles, Energetic Nanomaterials, Energy Storage/Conversion, Bio-hybrid Materials, Laser Ablation Synthesis, LIBS, Plasma Diagnostics, Composite Joining

4 年

Hi Sreekanth: a very impactful writing that hits the bull’s-eye in technological innovations. Thoroughly enjoyed reading it! I’m a big fan of Christensen’s writings too. I have been working very closely with DOD to develop the next-gen energetic materials using our uniquely developed and now patented non-equilibrium synthesis technique. It would be good to catch up with you sometimes and get some of your insights.

Thanks for taking the time to share.

Jie Li

Principal Chemical Engineer at Argonne National Laboratory

4 年

Good insights!


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