Innovation Culture! What If This is a Trap?
Stefan Lindegaard
I help sharpen your leadership approach, build high-performance teams and enhance corporate innovation through new, original tools like Team Dynamics Cards and the Gap Map Overview.
Don’t fall for the “innovation culture” trap. Here’s the reality and what you can do about it.
In any large organization, definitions of innovation are as varied as the people. Without a common language or understanding, the term often breeds confusion. Trying to instill an 'innovation culture' under these conditions is as misguided as promoting a 'supply chain culture' or a 'finance culture.'
Look to the corporate culture itself instead. It’s driven by two main elements:
The key is to align and work on leadership principles and corporate values that positively affect your innovation and transformation efforts.
It’s hard work with less magic and no silver bullets, but it’s the only way to foster genuine, sustainable innovation in your organization.
Gest?o de projetos/capta??o de recursos/Cultura/Inova??o/Rela??es Institucionais/Mentoring e Coach/Neuroinova??o
1 年Na minha opini?o, considerando experiências, para melhorar e adaptar a cultura inovadora, primeiro é preciso entender as pessoas. De pessoas que pensam, aprendem e fazem diferente. Quando você n?o entende e ama as pessoas, você n?o tem lideran?a. N?o é possível engajar equipes. E vai repetir a mesma coisa. Com valores focados apenas em resultados. No centro de tudo, essa mentalidade. Repita e incuta como aprendemos e acreditamos que é melhor. Para quem está no topo, claro. Tenho visto muitas estratégias e planos de cultura organizacional que s?o projetados e aplicados de cima para baixo. O que é imponente e n?o compreendido n?o funciona. N?o dá para avan?ar na curva de Rogers. Quebra com a credibilidade. Precisamos entender que a mente nos leva adiante ou n?o. é o nosso software. Se n?o temos um bom software, para que serve o hardware?
Gest?o de projetos/capta??o de recursos/Cultura/Inova??o/Rela??es Institucionais/Mentoring e Coach/Neuroinova??o
1 年In my opinion, considering experiences, to improve and adapt innovative culture, you first need to understand people. From people who think, learn and do differently. When you don't understand and love people, you have no leadership. Can't engage teams. And it will repeat the same thing. With values focused only on results. At the center of everything, this mindset. Repeat and instill as we learn and believe it is best. For those at the top, of course. I've seen many organizational culture strategies and plans that are designed and applied from the top down. What is imposing and not understood does not work. You can't move forward on the Rogers curve. Breaks with credibility. We need to understand that the mind takes us forward or not. It's our software. If we don't have good software, what is the hardware for?
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1 年Well summarised !