Innovating Financial Inclusion: FidyPay's Vision for Cooperative Banks at FCBA Awards
Banking Frontiers organized the FCBA Awards Event 2023 on October 12 and October 13, which celebrates the resurgence associated with the cooperative banking sector of India. The ideology behind the event is to highlight the transformative changes adopted by the technology infusion, business norms, and NCP (National Cooperative Policy).
Following that, this event was all set to highlight the spotlight on the strategies that have been set over India’s journey towards building a 5-Trillion economy by the end of 2029. A lot of stakeholders and key players were invited to the event to share their contribution towards scaling the FinTech world and taking it to the next level.?
We, representing FidyPay, were part of the Banking Frontiers Event that was held on 11th October and 12th October in Goa. At the event, our founder Manan Dixit discussed how FidyPay's digital solutions have been helping cooperative banks improve their service offerings and help consumers attain financial services without encountering physical hassles.?
He has expressed the proficiency of FidyPay in how financial inclusion is implemented in the modern FinTech industry. Following that, the discussions also went forward with the ideology of how our services compare to the financial service or bank offerings. More than 40 speakers and 500 participants attended the event, and there were discussions done on over 15 topics.?
The discussions hosted with Mr. Manan, Founder of FidyPay, brought clarity on how our company is extending support for NBFCs, government institutions, cooperative banks, and other such FinTech startups, assisting them towards collecting revenue, faster onboarding of customers and offering BBPS services.?
This opportunity to be part of the event has helped our brand get enhanced visibility and recognition, which helped boost the overall credibility. Upon being part of this event, we got the chance to leverage the potential of various networking opportunities in the FinTech domain.?
A better audience reach, and a chance to talk about the intensity at which we are accelerating alongside our initiative, FidyPay, towards the future, will eventually help our business operations thrive. This was a great opportunity for our brand to step in and put forth our contributions to the FinTech world. Some of the things that made us feel more enticed about being part of this event are:
We learned a lot from this event, just like many others in the past, and we will be implementing them all in our service offerings. Following that, we have been appreciated for our extensive support provided to the cooperative banks, and we pledge to keep that up in the future by leaving scope for improvements.?