Innovating Energy - May Edition
Energy Innovation Agency
Transforming Greater Manchester’s energy systems making them cleaner, greener, and more sustainable.
Welcome back to Innovating Energy!
Firstly, we'd like to say a huge "thank you" to everyone who attended our 'Driving Sustainability: Efficiency through Innovation' event on 23 April. The event was a huge success as we welcomed over 100 highly influential businesses, innovators, partners, and end-user organisations for a day of discussion around tackling climate change & improving energy efficiency.
You can view our full summary of the event on our website here:
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Two Energy Innovation Agency clients, Enviroheat HET? and HalioGen Power , have been included on the inaugural GM 125 Rising Stars of Business list:
The Energy Innovation Agency's Energy House 2.0 has been featured in Issue 15 of the Housing Industry Leaders eMagazine:
The Energy Innovation Agency is a unique organisation, created to help the GM city-region transition to a low-carbon economy by enabling energy innovators to scale and grow their businesses. Supported by eight partners from the public and private sectors, we offer a range of diverse services to businesses to help them develop, deploy, and deliver their innovative products and services here in GM; innovations which can help overcome the energy challenges that many GM businesses face and help them not only with their net-zero journey but also to reduce energy costs.
For more news on The Agency, visit our website.