Innocent Children
"Please Remove The Blinders"
One can get an education to acquire a skill that will teach you how to survive, but a skill can't teach you how to live. I can't tell you where I am going until I get there. Sometimes, I am like a child seeking validation without conditions or limitations.
When I shop in grocery stores, I notice many men walking around with a few items in their baskets, watching little girls wearing form-fitting clothes.
My beloved sisters, dressing your little girls in form-fitting clothes revealing the secret contours of their innocent little bodies will and do cause them harm from sexual predators.?
I can't tell my sisters how to dress their children; it's not my business. But when you dress them this way, you are opening them up to be abused by sexual predators in and out of their homes.
Sadly, in trying to teach your daughters that they have the right to express themselves in such a way, you are programming them to think it's all right to leave themselves open to being sexually abused.
No, it won't be their fault when attacked by these sick predators; it will be yours and the persons who look at them as sexual objects.
? ljm 08/25/2024