Inner Work, Energy and Houses
Madeline Faiella
NLP and SLC Certified. IMPACT, INFLUENCE, INCOME, TIME. I help speakers, authors, entrepreneurs, and business people the skills of communication & confidence
You’ve heard that you can manifest your fortune, meditate for peace and visualize a healthy body, however, not enough emphasis on the work involved is expressed.
Each and every one of us has to work smart and hard so that what we envision comes to life. It’s a universal law.
Everything is energy and whether you believe in God, The Universe, The Divine, Higher Intelligence or a rock, it’s a force that holds us together. That force is what’s behind what we do. However, this force doesn’t work alone. It does work within God/Universal law.
Universal law is about energy. We see with our eyes what we are able to see on this plane because if we saw what was really in front of us we’d go bonkers. I’ve believed this almost all my life. Masters of personal and business development show us how energy is what forms everything we see and have.
For example, the device you are reading this on was first a vision, then someone acted on that vision, they worked smart and hard and everything they needed eventually came to them. Think about it. You want to build a house or write a book. You have an idea. Great. Coolio. That idea becomes a vision. You decide what you want the house to look like or the idea behind the book.
Work, here comes work. While we must keep our vision in front of us and focus on it daily so that we reach a point to where that vision comes to fruition, what’s happening is that the more focused and intentional we are the more we raise our energetic frequency. In turn, we “attract” more of that energy to us.
The work is the work we do within ourselves to get to the point where we can navigate our feelings, emotions, thoughts and actions so that we can make solid decisions. That’s the foundation of what you want. So that house you want has 3 bedrooms, a living room, a den/office, kitchen, bathrooms and whatever else you want.
See it clearly and the man-made and natural items you need to build that house will begin to show up. No, not like out of a genie bottle. Someone, somewhere is harvesting the wood or stirring the concrete. Someone else is creating the faucets and the plumbing pipes. Someone else is designing the furniture you’ll put in the house.
All of their energy is now in synch with yours. So with high frequency energy – you may attract others with that same frequency and they are creating those materials on your level. If you think it will never get done, then it won’t. However, if you put your belief in the fact that God and the Universe are there to provide, then your work is easier.
The house becomes the lesser work than the work we need on ourselves because once we are aligned with our authenticity energy will beget energy. You are not going to build the house yourself. I know there are those of you who will and in the same conversation I would say that you had to attract the materials you wanted.
The inner work is the work involved that most people don’t want to deal with. Navigating ourselves is work and yet, once we find that sweet spot, we continue to look for and seek it out. What that does is drive us to want to attract more and more of the frequency we are on.
If you are introduced to a billionaire or a poverty stricken person, you will attract what you feel. If you feel less worth you will attract that. ALERT! That could very well be the billionaire. There are many people who seem to have it all and who are miserable, feel as though they don’t have value and there are those who are barely getting by and they are filled with great energy and joy.
If you are filled with joy you attract more joy. If you are miserable, you attract more misery. You could argue that it’s best to be miserable with money and there is another conversation for that, however, to demonstrate the idea behind working within yourself, this is a pretty good example.
Often in cases like this the wealthier person may take a huge dive financially and if he/she isn’t in a good place energetically, they now have nothing. Look at Madoff for example. He made-off with everyone’s money to point of causing enormous tragedy to life and soul. Even where his own son committed suicide. That’s not wealth.
Work deeply within yourself and understand that you can’t do it alone. I’ve worked with many coaches for my own deep dive including a first level Jack Canfield trainer, Bill Walsh – America’s Small Business Expert, Marty Ward – TAG Program, Robert McPhee who worked with Jack Canfield for 3 years in his educational department and Chris Salem – Prospreneur. I also worked with Nancy Matthews – one of the founders of Women’s Prosperity Network.
There are others as well. Why did I coach with all these brilliant people? Because they are at a higher level and I wanted to challenge myself. It is deep work and the rewards are beyond measure. You cannot do it alone.
Don’t expect your friends to help unless they get it and they are willing to support you. This is another article. Lol lol lol It’s work…it hurts sometimes. It’s crazy, deep, freaking satisfying DIVA work. It’s really worth it though because your life changes.
It also doesn’t happen overnight. If you want sustainable success you have to build the foundation. Then the other work begins. Moving your project into fruition. I is an ongoing and forever journey if you want to make a difference. That’s why it’s important that you enjoy most of your work.
You can also learn to enjoy a skill. I don’t know too many people who never complain or become outed by their work. We are, after all, human and there will always be tasks and “those days” that come about.
It’s evident, when you get into a room of people who have high energy levels, and I don’t mean popping off the walls energy, haaa, you will feel it. If it’s a downer room you’ll feel that too. Which would you rather be a part of?
Here’s to your success.
Madeline Faiella