Hello Loves,
How are Y'all feeling this fine day??
Lately, I've been playing more and having fun with the visions in my mind's eye to see what I am able to invite?here into the physical.?
We are always imagining and envisioning what we'd like to experience in this life and when we truly let go or make a clear decision the Universe, God, Source Energy is able to deliver.?
However, most humans are holding onto the visions in their head and expecting everything to appear exactly as they have seen it.
And... Most times what we imagine does not show up as it did at first in the mind, so it is best to let go and allow it show up according to our higher self.
And... For those that are feeling into their visions, they will know what is meant for them by the way it feels, not by the way it looks when it arrives.
At times the visions in my mind feel like other worldly or outer space type visuals like Egyptian hieroglyphs of the Gods or symbols of beings from that time. Other times, visions of animals come in and then I look up their totem meaning to see what the message is when they visit. I do this when critters and bugs here in the physical world pay me a visit unexpectedly as well. And sometimes, I feel like I'm imagining the sacred geometry and shapes that the Universe is made of like the gridlines of the planet. I am always contemplating the multi-dimensional beings that we are and what we might look like or be experiencing in these other spaces simultaneously.
What people tend to forget as they "mature"?is that the imagination is where everything in this world comes from to appear here physically, first.
We have a thought, an idea, a vision...
We feel into it...
We speak about it, write about it,?and create it here on Earth.?
I always question why we don't allow our Selfs to play in this imagination more often. For me personally, I can take life too seriously in some situations. I feel like I need to be in control or be right or I feel like I need to change something or someone in order for me to feel better or more comfortable. If I find myself acting in these ways, I notice that what I'm asking for will?take more time than I would like.?
Recently, I've been playing a game with visioning and with letting go to cultivate my way of creating through the channel that I am. Each one of our channels is creating and manifesting in this space and time. While we are not able to control what others are doing, we are able to keep our focus on what feels best in our visions and thoughts.?
The more we focus on what feels right and aligned and that brings us JOY... the more we will create and experience that in our environment. We ALL experience life through the lense of our own perspective. All these perspectives are correct. You don't have to agree with other perspectives AND they are still correct.?
We also are able to choose what we attach to or?practice BEing non-attached to anything or anyone. I love connecting with people and I also don't need to own their stuff. I can absolutely feel compassion for them and allow them to their experience.?
Life is Super Easy when we let go and allow what is to be ok in the moment AND sometimes this is easier said than done!
So, as I prepare to be in the Bay Area for Sound Healing Sessions?this week, I envision how I would like things to BE at my?scheduled appointments and presentations. I also allow myself to be excited about what will happen during them and?in between!
If you'd like to schedule a private or group session while I'm in San Jose, please give me a call 408-398-8956.
I Love You ALL and look forward to seeing EveryOne soon?
AND... You can still find all the information for PUBLIC GROUP SESSIONS on the Agada Energy Healing website under the?commUnity page!