Inner Truth... What Will You Make Real?
Truth is a fact or actuality that exists in accordance with reality. We accept truth as a tangible and indisputable thing. Truth is like reality in that it feels tangible. Truth is weighty, meaty, immovable…real. Just because you color it with words or different situations doesn’t make it less accurate. Truth cannot be less actual nor can it be more accurate. It just is.
But what about inner truths? The stories we tell ourselves in our head, heart, mind, and body. What about our memories or the futures we imagine? What about the self-conversations...the inner dialogue? What about the punchlines we recite after a failed attempt or an overwhelming victory? Are those things true?
According to psychologist Dr. Kate Siner, inner truth is the part of you that knows what you truly desire, it is the part of you that knows what you need to feel whole. She believes that this part of oneself is never lost but is sometimes disconnected. If inner truth goes beyond the ego to the place where ‘you’ truly exists, then which is accurate? The ego or inner truth?
From a psychological perspective, Gregg Henriques (2013) wrote, "The ego system is the narrating portion of an individual that reflects upon their thoughts, feelings, and actions and inhibits or legitimizes them to oneself and others." So if the ego is doing the narrating based on your past and present, but your inner truth knows your deepest desire, which of them is actually true? It is enough to drive a person into madness. It is like trying to determine, ‘who is actually me.”
The reality is you cannot physically split your body into two separate bodies; therefore all of it is ‘you’. Everything that is housed in the body, including the mind, the ego, the spirit, and energies is all you. This means that what your ego says and what your ‘inner truth’ tells you are both accurate.
Whether you think you can or think you can't, you are right. (Henry Ford)
Consider this in the context of exercising. If you think you cannot exercise, then you are correct. If you think you can exercise, you are also correct. These beliefs stem from both the ego and your inner truth. Your ego rationalizes that you are incapable of being successful at exercising because you have either not tried before or you have tried and been unsuccessful. Therefore ego has concluded that exercising is not something you can do, nor is it something you truly want to do and so it works to help you stay sedentary to continue to prove what has always been true for you thus far.
Now, on the other hand, your inner truth knows that you can exercise because it is what you truly desire and your authentic desire makes it true. This truth, however, is not a tangible realness yet because you have never experienced the consistency of exercising to the point of accomplishing your specific goal. The question then becomes, because both are true, which truth will you choose to make real?
If the ego is the narrating system that writes the story after it reviews your thoughts, feelings, and actions, then consider writing your story before it happens. But you will need to go one step further, consciously write the story and the meaning of the story before you perform the action, think the thoughts, and feel the feelings. Make real within yourself what you choose to be true.
“Decisions are solid, but feelings are liquid.” - Bob Proctor
Once you make a decision, that decision is a tangible thing upon which you can act. However, feelings take a while to follow because feelings do not have shape, but are shaped instead by actions and circumstances. Many people rely upon their feelings to guide them, but often the feelings we embrace result from past circumstances which create unwanted patterns in our lives. Keep in mind that it may take a while for your feelings to 'catch up' to your intentions.
Making Your Truth Tangible
As a young man, I was constantly told that I would always be poor, moneyless, and unworthy. I held on to that belief until it became real. Even from a teenager up to adulthood, everything I did left me poor, moneyless, and feeling unworthy. I knew that I didn’t deserve to have success. The more I knew this to be true, the more real it became. Now…there has always been a quiet part of me that desired to feel worthy and deserving. A quiet part of me that knew I was deserving and worthy.
I ask you…which is true? (1) Am I undeserving and unworthy? Or (2) Am I deserving and worthy? Both are true. If both are true, then which is tangible and real? For years truth 1 was real because I believed it; I felt it. I made it a part of me; my actions aligned with my belief. And so I continued the same patterns, repeatedly making the same truths real.
Bob Proctor says that when we choose a different truth than the one in which we currently live, we need to create intense feelings around that idea and follow through with consistent actions that support our new truth.
In my case, once I decided I was worthy of money and success, there was no way of knowing when my feelings would actually change or how long it would take for this to become my reality... A week, a month, a year, years? That part is not up to me; that part is up to time. But it will happen by consistently generating the right thoughts and actions.
We, as individuals, are the truth tellers. Regardless of what has been said about you or done to you, you are your own truth-teller. Whether the instructions come from your ego or your inner truth, your body listens to you. But what may have been true yesterday does not have to be real today. You can change it. You can decide which truth to make real. The ego will still interpret today's events the same way it interpreted yesterday's events. It will review your new actions and postulate that this is only a phase to be snuffed out or corrected. It will try to bring you back into the cycle that leaves you ‘feeling’ the way you've always felt.
You will still hear your quiet inner truth whispering the things that could?make you feel whole, pleasant, and joyful. And both are true, but at the beginning of the day, you get to choose which truth you will make real. Make that choice again and again and again until one day, your actions, thoughts, and feelings have made the truth you chose...a reality.
Henriques, G. (2013, June 27). The elements of Ego Functioning. Retrieved March 06, 2021, from?
Proctor, B. (2021, June 28). 11 ways to stay positive and feel good all day. Proctor Gallagher Institute. Retrieved February 1, 2023, from
Siner, D. (2019, December 28). 5 steps for how to find your inner TRUTH · Dr Kate Siner. Retrieved March 06, 2021, from?
Photo by?Markus Winkler?on?Unsplash