Inner Soul Nature of an Essential Oil & Preparing Soul-Healing Blends

Inner Soul Nature of an Essential Oil & Preparing Soul-Healing Blends

Hello Everyone,

The soul is the foundation of all levels of being. It is also the epicenter of core disturbances which ripple outward on to the emotional and physical planes.

The human soul has the ability to engage with an essential oil, the most concentrated carrier of the soul of its plant, on a soul-to-soul level. In my many years of practice, I have worked with a wide variety of natural healing modalities and know of no other healing substances that can substitute for essential oils in this regard.

An understanding of the inner or soul nature of an essential oil is the prerequisite for activating its soul-healing potential. Spiritual PhytoEssencing (SPE) is an art I have developed which elaborates complete soul-portraits of over 100 essential oils. It also provides the skills required to prepare highly individualized blends that will initiate a soul-to-soul encounter between the essential oil blend and the particular human soul whose image it mirrors.

The SPE custom blend: a portrait in oils of the real self, serves as a mirror within which the real self can, for the first time in a very long while, gaze upon its unobscured image. It is this casting of a reflection of the true shape of a person’s soul that enables the custom blend to unlock the moribund potential within an analogous human-soul.

When a person can once again “see” his or her true self, an overwhelming urge arises to return to oneself. As the true self and the higher soul share the same spiritual root, there is also a simultaneous flaring-up of the natural desire of the soul to establish ongoing intimate contact with its divine source. Ultimately, reorientation regarding the real self and the spiritual world are central to the amelioration of the soul level central disturbance that often ripples outward and is expressed as emotional and physical disharmony. In turn, this amelioration potentiates wholeness of being.

The great psychologist Dr. Carl Rogers (whose ideas are one of the foundation stones in the theoretical context of SPE) viewed an individual whose life was characterized by wholeness of being as a “fully functioning person.” He defined a fully functioning person as someone who:

  1. Has abandoned a reactive tendency toward reflexive defensiveness in favor of a growing openness to experience.
  2. No longer has a need for habitual subception (a defense mechanism that involves employment of unconscious strategies to prevent a troubling stimulus from entering consciousness).?
  3. Has an increasingly existential lifestyle – living each moment fully – not distorting a moment to fit a socially conditioned self-concept, but instead allowing spontaneous reactions and self-concept to emerge from the experience of that moment.
  4. Exhibits increased organismic trust – trusting one’s own judgment and one’s ability to be flexible in react in a manner that is organically suited for each moment. As opposed to relying on existing codes and social norms, this degree of self-trust enables a person to be fully open to experiences because of established confidence in one’s own organic sense of right and wrong.

SPE focuses on archetypal blending. Accordingly, the first task in SPE case-study analysis is to translate the data into archetypes. In SPE, the term archetype refers to a unique intangible construct (i.e., deep form) of the soul that generates a pattern of characteristic potentials. Accordingly, particular identifiable patterns of emotions and physical predispositions are viewed as tangible expressions of underlying psycho-spiritual archetypes. In turn, these expressions are considered to be archetypal images.

Spiritual PhytoEssencing case work largely depends upon the ability to perceive archetypal modes, and trace these back to specific archetypes. An archetypal mode (a type of archetypal image) is a specific combination of selected perceptual filters (how the individual evaluates his life experiences and then perceives them in his or her consciousness) employed by the ego-mind and a particular psychosocial role (persona) that the ego activates in relation to everyday experiences. Archetypal modes are essentially a combination of behavioral and reactional modes.?

The primary archetypes in SPE include: astrological signs, miasms, chakras, elements (e.g., Earth, Water), kabbalistic Tree of Life vessels and directions (e.g., North type, East type, etc.).

You’re welcome to join the NHSS/SPE Membership Program if you’re interested to join my students and practitioners group. Classes are constructed to accommodate anyone from beginners through advanced NHSS/SPE students.

If you would like to begin your learning process now, here are some preliminary resources to consider:

  1. Start learning about the inner nature of 122 different essential oils using?Berkowsky’s Synthesis Materia Medica/Spiritualis of Essential Oils
  2. Use the?Spiritual PhytoEssencing (SPE) Repertory Of Essential Oils?to help determine relevant essential oils for individualized custom essential oil blends.
  3. The Six Elements and the Chakras are key archetypes to identify in deep soul-level healing work. Accordingly, my?Six Element Chakra Workbook?is an important resource.
  4. Dr. Berkowsky’s Vital Chi Skin-Brushing book. My Vital-Chi Skin-Brushing System is powerful and invaluable in any vibrant health-building protocol.
  5. Obtain?high-quality essential oils?for SPE blending.

Please feel free to?write to me if you have any questions.


Dr. Bruce Berkowsky

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DISCLAIMER: All content is intended as an educational tool, and not as a prescription. Readers are advised to seek the advice of their healthcare providers before discontinuing any medication and/or trying any new remedy or technique.

? Dr. Bruce Berkowsky


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