'Inner Resonance' and synching of 'Inner Strengths' between individuals
My understanding of Inner Resonance and how the InStrengths Insight Card designed by Uma Narayanan works....
(Two terms used....
Inner Resonance: A spontaneous subtle harmony felt between any 'two'
Inner Resources: The strengths or qualities present in the inner presence or 'being' space within)
Inner Resonance can be tactile, visual and auditory
A bulb is lit by itself
A sense is felt that something is clicking
A sudden melody begins to sound by itself
Unity is accomplished by the process of following inner resonance
The Unity between the sensing heart and the incoming intuitions
The Unity between individuals, groups and countries
This inner resonance is beyond any desire or ideological attractions
This inner resonance is an indication that the ‘core substance’ of any ‘two’
Is now in sync or complimentary condition and needs to come together
This coming together or unity, forwards something for both
In any situation the greatest resonance check is, which Inner Resource
Is seeking to come out, to emerge out, to speak out; and enable that resource
Thanking Uma’s design of the InStrengths Cards to have given me this insight
The InStrengths Cards taps into a kinesthetic intuitive space
It helps to sense which resource of Inner Presence is seeking to emerge within oneself
The cards also imprints in us a conscious or unconscious intuitive wisdom
To recognize in the other which Inner Resource is seeking to emerge
From within their behaviors, struggles, victories and aspirations
This recognition of the inner resource, seeking expression
From within the self and the other
And to enable in both the inner resource to emerge, is a blessed way to live life
Gratitude to the InStrengths Cards for giving me this clarity.