Inner peace can be achieved - Brooke Longmore

Inner peace can be achieved - Brooke Longmore

If I were to ask you to stand with complete balance on one leg in high winds at the top of a hill how easy would this be? Stop for a minute and think about how strong you could be, how much balance you would have, how you would feel, take a few minutes to really think about this.

I am guessing you may have been considering how hard this would be, you may even be thinking why is she asking me to consider this and I want to explain why.

What I asked you to think about is what life can feel like, so imagine you are still the person trying to find balance but this time on the ground and when I say balance I mean everything in life going well.

Imagine now that the hill you are trying to balance on is life’s worries, so the things in life that cause the tummy to flip, the headaches and the deep emotional pain.

Now, imagine that the high winds are negative people. The winds are the family members who let you down, it is the colleagues at work who never listen to you, it is the staff team who listen but act in a completely different way from the way you guided them. The winds are what can blow you over, the winds can be the final straw when you are trying to balance on top of life’s worries, the winds are the piece of the jigsaw that have you screaming “enough is enough”!!! There is a reason for this and I will explain this throughout the article.

We as humans are made up of energy and this is exactly why sometimes we feel bad vibes from people and situations. You may remember a time when you entered a room at work or in the house or in someone else’s house and it just didn’t feel right, you weren’t sure why but you just knew it wasn’t right. What you have done is pick up on energy, you are actually picking up on energy far more than you realise.

For me, I pick up on energy easily therefore I have to ensure I use excellent cleansing methods to keep my energy in balance. Several weeks ago I was in a very small space with a male I didn’t know, he became really angry and started to shout at others, whilst this was not directed at me I could feel it and I instantly felt off. I had picked up on the energy of anger and had to stop and consciously let it go as it was not my energy and it was not the state I wanted to be in. Being an energy healer it is a little easier for me to clear that quickly before it manifests an emotional state within me of anger and upset.

Think of how often you are absorbing others energy and not even realising. So, when your mood changes quickly it may not even be your energy it could be someone else’s but if you are not aware you will accept it and try to deal with it.

Energy healing is vital for many reasons:

1. You have the opportunity to release energy that isn’t even your energy

2. You have the opportunity to understand your own energy and how it is impacting you

3. You have the opportunity to release lower energy that causes shoulder pains, neck pains, confusion, depression, anxiety and much more

Energy healing is a subtle treatment that helps the body create a positive, natural flow of the energy system. It is non-invasive and completely relaxing, you can feel like you are floating on a soft cloud. Energy healing which is also known as reiki healing was first used in the 1900’s and is very popular today. All it takes for it to work is an openness from the client to allow the healing to take place, it is that simple. Energy healing is one of the biggest acts of self-love and can take your life to the next level in just a few treatments.

Often when I am working with clients on energy healing they will revisit childhood memories, I have had many reports of past loved ones visiting a client during a reiki treatment, often with unresolved questions being answered. There is nothing to fear with energy healing as it is all from the highest place of love and light.

You can invest in an energy healing treatment for yourself, a loved one, a pet and a child, it works for anyone who is open to it. It will also break through barriers of those who are not open to it.

In an energy healing session you will chose your own intention for example, you may wish to let go of emotional pain, you may want to sleep better at nights, you may wish to mend a broken heart after a relationship breakdown. Energy healing creates balance in your life and allows you to have clarity in terms of life desires and needs.

Energy healing can help you if:

·        You want to attract more clients into your business

·        You want to take your career to the next level

·        You want to feel more confident when making life decisions

·        You want to meet “the one”

·        You want to let go of past memories that still cause you pain

You can set intentions of how you want to feel after a treatment, you really are in control of what goes on and how it ends.

Your energy centres in your body all deal with different aspects of your life, if any of these are blocked you can come up against challenges.

Base energy centre – physical energy, being comfortable with who you are

Sacral energy centre – being creative and flexible in your approach

Solar plexus energy centre – having a strong sense of gut feeling and being guided to the right people and places

Heart energy centre – feeling able to love and be loved

Throat energy centre – listening to others and communicating your own message openly and confidently

Third eye energy centre – being able to plan ahead, knowing your direction

Crown energy centre – having trust in your plans and believing the universe is working in your favour

Think how many challenges you face as you navigate your way through daily life, most of these could be removed by focusing attention on energy healing. Over the Christmas period I will be offering the chance for people to book in for energy healing treatments and also the chance to invest in loved ones energy by purchasing a gift voucher for a treatment.

You can be at peace, feel abundant and feel the joy in life when you release the energy of negativity replacing it with love and light.

Get in touch for more details:



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