Inner Luminance Newsletter
Inner Luminance, LLC
Shifting to Authentic Leadership, to Align whole Organizations to their Mission Statement/ Credo
Inner Luminance Newsletter Layout Issue 1.docx
Issue 1, June 2024
Unlocking your ability to become self-inspired & self-empowered from compassionate self-awareness & unconditional self-love. At Inner Luminance, our goal is to guide each person to know that they have all their solutions within them to uncover their inner light. We take our participants on as a whole individual to give them an in-depth understanding of themselves which leads to a deeper understanding of others and the world around them.
Inner Luminance offers programs on individual (or corporate) levels specifically designed to end with its contributors no longer needing it because they live by it—and share its joy with others. Through our Individual Human Recovery Program (HRP), every active participant will find their purpose within themselves. They will find their passion and discover their infinite capacity for self-forgiveness. They will experience such an impactful shift that it will ripple positivity throughout all of their interactions.
Rediscovering the Light That was Always Within Us
As children, curiosity fuels us. As adults, it’s responsibility that guides us. Somewhere in between that transition, things happen that mold the people we turn into. The things can be good or bad, but they are experiences that stick with us.
Surely, there was a time when our instincts were necessary for us to live and thrive—where our lives literally depended on flight or fight. And, sadly, there are places today that still experience such things. For the bulk of us, though, the flight or fight instinct has hindered us more than helped.
Did you ever touch the stovetop as a kid? Or play with an electrical outlet? That burn or zap you endured was a lesson. It showed you not to do that, right? If you do, it hurts. Now, imagine we take that perspective to all of our childhood experiences. Even the best parent has a bad day and can react or overreact to their kids. Some kids live with nothing but reactions.
Why is this important?
The situations that teach us what we know are not always ideal. Yet, we still are impacted by them. They stick with us and shape who we are and how we interact with the world.
Imagine being a kid when kids were ‘meant to be seen, not heard.’ Do you think those kids had an easy time finding their voices as adults? What about a kid whose parents always call them stupid? Do you think they grow up and feel smart and capable?
We’re going to let you in on a secret. You may not believe us at first, but you’ve made it this far and may as well hear us out.
Nobody’s opinion of you matters, especially when you know who you are.
The flip side of that is that it takes a lot of work to decipher the learned traits from your authentic self. It takes skill and finesse to recognize and work through your trauma. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows—but you will see them as you progress and they’re totally worth the effort.
Our unique lights within us are a constant, but the levels we permit them to shine vary. The more we allow external influences to affect us, the more we dim our own light. The more we judge ourselves based on the opinions of others causing a negative cycle that destroys our confidence in our capabilities.
The good news is that we can evolve past all of this. We can gain awareness, acknowledgment, acceptance, and allowance for these things within ourselves and grow forward past them. We can relearn new, healthy ways to cope—and thrive while doing so. We can learn to love every part of ourselves completely.
We can feel whole.
The answers lie within you if you are willing to put the work in. The tools offered will stay with you for life and hopefully will be passed down to your future generations so that they too may thrive.
We’ve all heard the term ‘generational curses’ thrown about. What if those curses are just the patterns bestowed upon us by family values, and all we have to do to break them is do something different? After all, the definition of insanity is repeating the same routine and expecting different results. It’s your life, so why not make it the best it can possibly be?
Square One:
What are these things I keep feeling???
Take a moment to think about your favorite movie. It doesn’t matter what kind it is. Now, think about your favorite part of that movie. And finally, think about how it made you feel.
Feelings can be enjoyable. Especially when we’re in controllable situations—like watching a movie, or doing something daring—like riding a roller-coaster or walking through a haunted house… but then there are times when our feelings get out of our control. And that’s when having feelings can become not so fun anymore.
I don’t know about everyone else, but nobody ever really taught me about my feelings and emotions. In fact, it was implied that I shouldn’t deal with how I felt, should put on a happy face instead, and do what I’m told. This worked for a while…but there was always something off. Deep down, despite the happy fa?ade, I was actually a ticking time bomb of emotions that were like angry ghosts, waiting to be heard and not too happy about being contained.
Together, let’s go down the rabbit hole. Become self-empowered to learn yourself and function better every day. We can start now.
Did you know that there are 27 different types of emotions? It’s kind of crazy when you think about it—27 different ways to feel. The goal of learning them is to be able to recognize and identify them. Once you have that ability, a whole new world opens up! But, I will digress. That’s a topic for another day.
Here’s a list of the different emotions:
Admiration - a feeling of strong approval or delight
Adoration - profound love or regard
Aesthetic appreciation – the admiration of beauty
Amusement - the state or experience of finding something funny
Anxiety - a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease
Awe - a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder
Awkwardness - causing difficulty; hard to do or deal with
Boredom - feeling weary because one is unoccupied or lacks interest in one's current activity
Calmness - the state or quality of being free from agitation or strong emotion
Confusion - lack of understanding; uncertainty
Craving - a powerful desire for something
Disgust - a feeling of revulsion or strong disapproval
Empathetic pain - the capacity to resonate with, relate to, and share others’ pain
Entrancement - a feeling of delight at being filled with wonder
Envy - painful or resentful awareness of an advantage or possession enjoyed by another and the desire to possess the same thing
Excitement - a feeling of great enthusiasm and eagerness
Fear - an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous
Horror - an intense feeling of fear, shock, or disgust
Interest - the state of wanting to know or learn about something
Joy - a feeling of great pleasure and happiness
Nostalgia - a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past
Romance - a feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love
Sadness – unhappiness; state characterized by emotions ranging from mild discontentment to deep grief
Satisfaction - fulfillment of one's wishes, expectations, or needs, or the pleasure derived from this
Sexual desire - an emotion and motivational state characterized by an interest in sexual objects or activities
Sympathy - feelings of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune
Triumph - achieve a victory; be successful
? See? That’s a lot, right? Some of these feel pretty good…others? Not so much. What’s more, sometimes the feelings we feel aren’t felt for the reasons we think we are. Quick shout out to our boy, confusion, up above on the list. We see you.
So, what is a human being to do? It certainly isn’t something we are taught in school. Maybe our parents know and teach us, but if that were the case, a lot more of us would know how to do it. Luckily, humans are a resilient variety. We can teach ourselves and grow into people who understand and control our feelings, rather than being subject to their whims.
Meet the Team!
Michael Padurano, Co-Founder & Guide
I am the living example of growing forward from all extremes to inner balance while living into my definitive purpose. My definitive purpose is to elevate humanity through knowledge and understanding. I live by example, in radical self-awareness while guiding others to seek the same for themselves. I unapologetically live in my objective truth. My favorite gifts to give to others are to inspire them to be self-inspired and empower them to be self-empowered. I am a creator in a life of limitlessness within a universe of infinite possibilities. I am not a coach. I guide others towards their own answers, solutions, and healing by relating through my vulnerable truth.
Valerie Fasciglione, Co-Founder & Director of Finance
Valerie is a detail-oriented and driven Public Accountant with over 10 years of experience in financial reporting, budget analysis, and tax accounting. She has a proven ability to identify and implement improvements to streamline processes and increase efficiency and productivity. She is an excellent communicator, able to explain complex financial information in clear terms to non-finance professionals. Additionally, Valerie is highly proficient in establishing and maintaining client relationships while adept at securing client trust through transparent communication.
Casey Harvell, Co-Founder & Director of Communications
I love creativity. It fuels the world around me. Whether it’s writing a book, helping others create their books, working on graphic design, or even crocheting a blanket, I’m happiest when I’m creating something. My main theme has always been guiding others to create the best product or customer experience possible. Growing up in the Hudson Valley of New York, diversity was abundant. Food, people, cultures, art—all of it was a mash-up conglomeration of the area. It taught me that there’s rarely such a thing as doing something the wrong way. Everyone has a way that works best for them. It’s not the same for everyone and that’s okay. I encourage it. When you remove what you think someone should be doing, the capacity to learn from them becomes an entirely new experience for you!
Dr. Rastafa Geddes, Chief Neuroscientist
Dr. Rastafa I. Geddes, affectionately known as Dr. RAS (Really-A-Scientist), is an influential figure actively engaged in various impactful initiatives. He leads the Geddes Neural Network (GNN) - Global Foundation. His career includes impactful work in neurology, reproductive hormone therapy, Alzheimer's disease (AD), and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) research, with contributions to the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health and the Alzheimer's Disease Research Center (ADRC).
Dr. RAS is passionate about education, instructing at the People Program, and mentoring for initiatives like UW-Madison's The Ladder program. Additionally, he played a pivotal role in launching Jango Bio, reflecting his entrepreneurial spirit and dedication to innovative healthcare solutions. In summary, Dr. RAS is a visionary leader whose impact transcends borders. His work with youth development, global platforms, and dedication to social causes reflects his unwavering commitment to positive change and empowerment. His distinguished career in neuroscience, and contributions to education and entrepreneurship, underscore his dedication to knowledge, mentorship, and innovation.
Tony Pfeiffer, Guide
“Hungry Learner”, “The Encourager”, poet, husband, father, grandfather, and great-grandfather. Each day is a gift to create a new masterpiece. Deep personal work opens the way for healing, freedom, and authentic expression. We are interconnected and interdependent. None of us is ever as smart as all of us.
Fun Stuff:
If you’d like to access our crossword puzzle and word find, you can find them here: ?
On a Personal Note (Casey)
There’s a pop song that was popular a few years back. The first few lines of it went: I’m mad at Disney (Disney), they tricked me (tricked me), had me wishing on a shooting star. Besides being catchy af, it struck a chord in me. As the song says, what the hell is love?
Being mad at Disney would be easy, but it wasn’t just them doing it. They just happened to be top-tier in the game. But the reality when you think about love—or any emotion really—is that I, as an average person, didn’t know very much about it. Most of the things we “know” we learn from our families, friends, and society itself. And if art imitates life, we as life most definitely imitate art, too.
Who do we blame? Society? Is humanity not responsible for it? Our parents? Can they teach us what they, themselves, don’t know?
None of it feels fair, but then none of it is fair. Not to me, not to you, not to parents, and certainly not to society. Is it possible that we’ve all gotten stuck in a cycle of toxic patterns so much so that we all consider it to be “normal”?
It may not be the answer you wanted, but it’s the best answer I’ve found. “Normal” has become oxymoronic.
With a tumultuous childhood, I rebelled often once I became a teen. I tried lots of ways to escape, but always found my way back to reality. I got into my first serious relationship at 15. It lasted 4 years. He was 4 years older than me and, by the end, I learned an alcoholic too.
It all felt very normal to me—but I was used to being around alcoholism. It created a safe feeling, but that safety was false. It was my mind and body’s way of protecting me in that moment. The reality was that it was a toxic relationship with an alcoholic.
If what we are taught about normal isn’t normal and the relationships our families show us that are supposed to be normal aren’t normal, is it any wonder that none of us can shake that something’s off feeling?
My journey involved every detour imaginable. When I set out to begin it, I wasn’t even sure where it would lead. The answer surprised me. It showed me not only what it is to love myself, but why it’s maybe the most important thing I’ll ever learn.
Before, it was like I was full of holes but I ignored them. I pretended they weren’t there. I smiled and laughed and filled my cup, but the fullness never lasted because the holes drained it all away.
When things became overwhelming, I was able to quash it down for a long while. Eventually, though, these emotions began to manifest physically in my health. Panic attacks, among other things, became almost “normal” with their regular occurrences.
At that time, my emotions had complete control over me in every way possible. They dictated what I did or didn’t do, when I ate, if I slept. They would terrorize me for months on end for every waking moment only to suck all the emotion out of life for the next few.
Sometimes, I could pause the roller-coaster and pretend life was okay—but I could never get off the ride completely. At least, not until I put the right work in. For me, the work was inside me. I had to acknowledge things I didn’t want to face from my childhood. It was scary, but it was a lot less scary than I made it out to be. And it got easier each time I did it. I figured out some stuff. Like, lying to myself only ultimately hurts me. With practice (a LOT of practice), I stopped doing it. And today, I know when I try to do it and hold myself accountable.
Cycles are everywhere around us. Our participation within them is completely up to what we do or don’t allow. As I healed myself and discovered my passions, I began to understand the interactions I had and the reasons behind them. Am I “healed” today? No. I’m in a constant state of healing. I don’t know if I’ll ever be done with it, and that’s okay. What matters is that I do my best to do better every day.
GNN: Bringing "College" Back 2 "College Park" ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
9 个月Interesting read. Nice to know a little bit more if each of you. Let's Go