The Inner Journey of Art Journaling
Terri Altschul, PCC
Executive and Leadership Development Coach ?Mixed Media Creator ?Founder, The Visual Journaler
"It takes courage to endure the sharp pains of self discovery, rather than choose to take the dull pain of unconsciousness that would last the rest of our lives." --Marianne Williamson
New 7-WEEK Program Introducing You To: "THE INNER JOURNEY OF ART JOURNALING" BEGINS ON October 17th
How to Make and Keep a Mixed Media Art Journal for Excavation, Insight, and Wholing Yourself
This program is about awakening your creativity and using that creativity to get inspired about life.
Without our creativity, we are incomplete. We lack the wholeness that will enable us to reach out for true joy. One of the great blessings of the creative process is that we gain access to who we really are.
The Journey Inward
There is a silent language within all of us that reveals the truth of our thoughts, feelings, and emotions far more fluently than words. That language is imagery.
Art journaling uses one’s inner vision to imagine what a thought, feeling, or emotional reaction would look like if it were expressed as a color, shape, or image.
Explaining in words how you feel when you lose a loved one or when you fall in love is for most of us an impossible task. Words simply can’t describe such an experience. But images can – and with a depth that words cannot achieve.
Art Journaling is a gentle, safe and private space. Only you know what your images mean. You go at the pace that feels right for you allowing your intuition to speak.
Here are some of the many benefits you will receive from a practice of art journaling:
?increase self-awareness
?learn about your patterns
?reduce stress
?release anger
?resolve conflicts
?get in touch with feelings
?overcome fear
?access your inner wisdom
?give voice to your soul
?approach freedom
?release trapped energy
?access deeper knowing
?discover gifts
The Inner Journey of Art Journaling takes you into our 7-step process. You will be guided through each step of our framework for Inner Journeying that guides you from an inner vision, to responding with art materials, to making meaning. You will also learn fun art journal techniques as you practice in your journal to create backgrounds and add layers with stencils, stamps, words and collage.
This program does not require any artistic experience. We'll use a mixed media approach, many of the supplies you might already have around the house or can easily purchase at Michael's, Hobby Lobby, or Amazon.
As we work with journal prompts - colors, symbols and images emerge. Over the course of the program you will experience transformation of your emotions, beliefs, self-identify, and possibly, even a new relationship to the Sacred within you.
NO ART EXPERIENCE IS NEEDED. REALLY. Creativity is at the core of our authentic selves. A mixed-media approach invites each of us to be with our moment-to-moment becoming.
Learn more and register here