(Inner) childcare.
Daniela Resch
? Coaching | Personal Leadership | Personal development | Sustainability
Spending time with kids is one of the greatest gifts. Their creativity, their curiosity, their zest for life. Nothing is impossible for kids, they perceive life as an endless adventure. Topics like war, racism or gender bias are unknown to them. Kids just are. Unapologetically themselves. Untouched by the opinion of others.
We all were kids at some point. And all of us still have that inner child in us. It never leaves us, we just sometimes leave it behind. In the past few months, I decided to give my inner child conscious room to play.
Talking with strangers, taking unknown roads, asking too direct questions, skipping through the streets, building pillow fortresses with my friend's daughter. Not knowing what the next day will bring, standing on the sidewalk for 10 minutes just gazing into the sun and sneaking into a museum 5 minutes before closing.
Staying connected with my inner child helps me go through life's challenges with a lighter step. Tackle adult responsibilities and failures with more of a breeze and lightness. If I take care of my inner child, I am better with children (and colleagues, executive boards, friends, and parents - the latter being the hardest ;)). I have more patience, more empathy and understanding.
Staying connected with my inner child also means making room for the more unwelcomed guests. The teenager that wants to rebel against any form of authority. The 10-year-old that wants to roll up on a couch and not be responsible for a mortgage. The 6-year-old that just wants to throw a tantrum if things don't go her way. The 3 year-old that just wants to be hugged by her mum and forget the world around her.
All of these children are part of my inner daycare. I let them out to play when there is room, when it's safe and when it's suitable depending the circumstances. Sometimes I tell them to not be scared and show themselves, sometimes I yell at them 'Not now, shut up'. Sometimes I tell them 'I love you, you are safe and good just the way you are'. Sometimes I give them a hug or give them a motivational kick in the butt.
We all have inner children. And chances are, some versions of these inner children have not gotten enough room when we were little. I believe in a world where these inner children are allowed to play - even and especially in business. Where a company becomes one big colourful playground - connected to an even bigger playground - the market economy. Where we play together, leading to co-creation, creative endeavours and better results. Wherever the road takes me next, my inner children are along for the ride.
Engineering Manager | Leadership Trainer | Author | Complexity Buster & Motivator | Keynote Speaker | Certified Leadership Coach | 20+ in Software Engineering | 15+ in Leadership | ? Addict
1 年Love playing with my inner child too! ??????