Inner Alignment

Inner Alignment

 “Inner Alignment” for a Clear Vision during Unclear Times.




Wishing you all a very happy and an Enterprising

New Year “2021” !!

2020 was a year that stripped off the Human race - the global population of many tangible and intangible assets. Only the degree varied from place to place. Mother Nature has taught this greedy species a great lesson and most people are emotionally drained out and still contemplating on what has happened.


All said and done, the collective consciousness of the Human race has stepped up to a certain extent and for many Faith in the Unknown Supreme (the Superconscious), touched the Pinnacle.


 Coming to the Businesses, its very prudent for each one of us to have a very “CLEAR VISION” during these unclear times. ’21 is a critical year since every Business needs to re align itself to the New Norms, restructured policies & taxes and market conditions.

Whether it’s a Corporate House or a small business firm, entrepreneurs are all standing high like “Casabianca on the burning deck” waiting for tangible work orders.


A ‘Clear Vision’, strategic planning, setting achievable goals, Call to action, closing sales etc..and also an alternate plan with an entirely different source needs to be in place keeping in mind the present commitments, future needs, growth plans and every action needs a level of maturity to handle any crisis arising at any point of time.


During this pandemic the ones who were internally ‘ALIGNED’ acquired new skill sets, invested time and effort in deepening their “inner journey”, family bonding, nourishing friendships thereby nurturing their Souls.

These are the people who have got set and taken their business to the next level with a Clear Vision.

 The ones who are not ‘internally aligned’ are still frustrated and struggling with all the uncertainties, and wondering how their peers are able to strike the chord which drives them to become more envious and getting entangled further.


 “Inner Alignment” is a life long process ( SADHANA ) which allows a person with high degree of self discipline to self introspect, contemplate and reflect upon any given situation.

This has to be worked out mostly in the subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind is concealed and unexpressed, inarticulate consciousness which works below all our conscious physical activities. Just as the Superconscious is the higher consciousness above from which desired energy descends into the being, and supports all our spiritual needs and possibilities, so is the subconscious below the body consciousness and things come up into the physical vital , the mind plane and all materials manifest from there.


Due to the habit of strong recurrence of the same thoughts in our physical consciousness, it is difficult to get rid of these habits only because its registered in the subconscious mind and hence loaded fully with irrational thinking and behavior.


When something is eradicated from the subconscious mind so completely that it leaves no seed and thrown out of the system consciously that it cannot return anymore, we can be sure that we have got rid of the unwanted habits and negative thoughts for ever.


This needs enormous amount of practice with patience. And total surrender to the Divine. Shiradi Baba calls this as Shradda and Saburi. One has to get out of the comfort zone as the first step with strong affirmations before embarking on this inner journey.

There are a set of proven practices in Vedanta and the Yoga Sutras that one can imbibe to attain “Inner Alignment” to re align your Personal and Business life.



 Kalpana Yuvarraaj

[email protected]









