I have had more injuries than I can count and am not even in top ten for major injuries sustain in contrast to hockey and fitness team mates of mine.
Here is some insight towards dealing with and avoiding injury! The physical and mental and EMOTIONAL side.
- I am careful with how I move. I treat every single physical endeavor with caution, care and thought. I am always thinking about my movement. Always. In every single second of every single day. Never blanking out then letting an opportunity for injury to show itself. In the gym, doing laundry, putting away dishes, more, always!
- I train for prevention. Shoulder rehab, glute development, posterior chain mobility and strength, midline/core function, feet stuff !, thoracic mobility, single leg training and more. I train to be able to perform my daily tasks and enjoy hobbies. Not to be able to simply look good or be better than someone else at something.
- When I get a strain, pull etc. I automatically think: what can I do now. There is no feeling sorry for myself, pouting, going into a deep sadness, worry about things long term.. It is all -> What can I do right now to help.
- If you break your arm, you did not break your legs. Far to often a person sustains an injury on one single area of their body and they let that be an excuse for not being active with the rest of their functioning body. Enough of this. If you break a toe, your arms are still capable, and visa versa from arms to toe/legs.
- For any nagging issues; I reflect... what have I been doing the last 3-5 days that could have realistically caused this. How can I improve in my efforts moving forwards. What physical training measures can I add in to avoid any sort of potential risk for injury moving forwards.
- I stretch a lot. It can help. Maybe try stop putting it off for months and years.
- I thrive with variety in my training. A mix of many things to ensure my body is capable for any type of request my day gives it. Fast, stronger and mobile.
- I listen to when I am taxed and needing to retreat VS when I am fresh and feeling that I can attack regarding my efforts for fitness.
- If I think something is dumb and I do not want to do it; I do not do it. Friends and training partners have no weight in my decision making for what I do in training.
- It could be worse. Folks, you have heard this before but many people in the world have been dealt a tough hand and are born with disabilities, go through war and loose limbs, sustain traumatic physical injuries and more.
If you get a little knee pain, shoulder pain, hip pain or something else that is minor; your life is not over and you are not injured for ever nor is it now your identity. Get over yourself and get moving on getting better VS feeling sorry for yourself.
You can likely do something , probably need to try a little harder at being consistent with rehab or seeking out appropriate help and likely!!!! Need to manage the emotional response head on to be able to take steps in the right direction.
There is probably other stuff but that is good for now.
Thank you for reading this.
If you want to chat, send me a message.