Injuries rise as driving increases and pandemic wanes

Injuries rise as driving increases and pandemic wanes

Injuries and deaths from car and work accidents are rising as more drivers take to the roadways, and more workers head back to their jobs, with COVID-19 coming under control and Summer in full swing. 

The National Safety Council reports that the number of miles driven in April 2021 (the last month surveyed) increased almost 55% compared to the year before. The number of auto accident injuries and deaths is estimated to go up at least 20% nationwide compared to 2020.

As the pandemic comes under control, more people will be commuting to the office or spending time driving during the summer months. Traffic will rise as people get back to a more "normal" routine, and drivers may be more rushed or anxious, which can cause reckless driving and an increase in car crashes.

road rage driver

Likewise, injuries from bicycle and pedestrian accidents are going up, as people spend extra time outdoors. If you are walking, use caution, and if biking, wear a helmet; it can reduce the risk of severe head injury by as much as 80%.

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Work injuries increase in the summer, as well. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the summer months see increased accidents and injuries on the job. Sprains, strains, and tears account for nearly 40% of work injuries, and they surge in the warmer months.

The top three workplace injuries are overexertion, slips, trips and falls, and contact with objects and equipment. The Safety Council says these types of work injuries make up almost 85% of all nonfatal injuries.  

Summertime also brings more construction accidents and more transportation-related injuries at work.

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As you resume a "post-pandemic" routine, here are some tips to avoid the painful injuries that even minor accidents can cause:

  • Plan some extra time for your commute. More people will be crowding the roadways, and you can avoid accidents or injury by taking a little more time getting to your destination.
  • If your job involves heavy equipment, lifting, or working outside in the summer months, be extra careful. Overexertion, heatstroke, dehydration, and painful injuries can occur.
  • Are you getting more exercise in the summer? Great! Just remember to STRETCH before and after, so you don't pull a muscle and end up back on the sofa. If you've been out of your exercise routine during the pandemic, ease back into it.
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If you do get injured or suffer a car or work accident, get checked out by an experienced injury physician like our doctors at Tri County Pain Management Centers. We can help you get relief from pain, and we treat car and work injuries, back pain, neck pain, head injuries or concussions, and other painful conditions.

For more information, visit

Hopefully, you have a pain-free, post-pandemic Summer!


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