Injuries: Expect them, and know what to do.
There is an old saying that goes, "If you get in a fistfight expect to get hit, if you are in a knife fight expect to get cut, and if you are in a gunfight expect to get shot."
It's solid advice that is meant to steel your mind and get you ready for the fact that injuries (physical trauma) will happen.
If you are a concealed carrier, this advice is especially important.
Even if you aren't injured, injuries in a lethal force encounter will likely mean real physical trauma to the looser as well as other innocents.
Whether because of a lethal force encounter or an accident, you have the opportunity to be a real "first responder" and help save lives with your actions after the initial incident has been controlled.
Learning how to secure your area and stabilize injured people in the first few minutes of an incident can mean the difference between life and death.
The good news is that the skills needed to save lives are very simple to learn, and the needed tools are few and affordable.
If you're serious about owning a gun and carrying, then learning how to save lives after the lethal force encounter should become a high priority to you.
After all, those innocents you are working to save may be your loved ones.
For this reason, and many more, DSI is a NAEMT certified training center.