Injection hose technology

Injection hose technology

Injection Hose System for the efficient sealing of construction joints in concrete structures and tunnelling construction projects, for multiple and cement injection.

The BPA-Predimax? Injection Hose is a high efficacy, double-jacketed, PVC hose which has the capability of being used for multiple injections of resin or cement based materials to enable the sealing of construction joints in concrete. The use of BPA-Predimax? is a clever way to ‘future-proof’ your structure as its multiple injection capacity allows the use of BPA-Predimax? for initial, scheduled, or remedial sealing of the joints. BPA-Predimax? Injection Hose is certified to meet the German General Building Code (abP).

BPA-Predimax? can be used for sealing of all forms of construction joints which are permanently or occasionally exposed to loads due to subterranean, down-the-slope or surface water. Construction joints which are required for structural engineering reasons can be designed non-positive and watertight.

Installation of Predimax injection hose

Cut the hose to the wanted length (max 10m). Place Predimax in the middle of the joint as seen below. The connection between the ventilating hose (red and white ventilating hose) and Predimax hose has to be completely inside the concrete.

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The overlap of Predimax must be at least 10 cm. The ends of the ventilating hoses must be taken outside the formwork.

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Installation of the injection hose system using shutter connectors, including the rubber plates and a spider (for easy installation on the reinforcement).

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Insert the ventilation hoses inside the end box / junction box. Important: The ventilating hoses must be well fixed inside the end box in order to avoid movment during the concrete work.

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Where and how to install junction box / end box in order to get access for the later on injection work. Junction box should be installed on the inside of the concrete wall.

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