Initiation/Self Discovery
This week we are talking about the concept of INITIATION as personal growth....
...and today we are LITERALLY talking about GROWTH.
Did you know, if a snake doesn't shed its skin it can't grow? What do WE have in common with this? Plenty, apparently. First of all, it has a natural process. At the beginning, it's colors fade, and it's eyes get cloudy, which is called "going opaque." Next, if the skin doesn't shed, the poor little guy can get a bit constricted.
We ALSO have a natural process to grow personally and spiritually…although it's not the most Westernized concept, because in our culture, we resist change, and therefore, we interfere with our natural process.
That's why we are bringing in the ancient wisdom on this one.
Yesterday, we talked about life situations being personal initiations.
If we don't move through our own darkness, and surrender...we get constricted, too.
We love what our ancient wisdom mentor, elder and now guide, Sobonfu, says:
"INITIATIONS are there to help you follow the next course in life, and if you do not follow those courses something in you dies. Yet the purpose of INITIATION is to get those things to die so you can get the new skin on...As you grow up, you shed those skins and take on something new. You don’t want to put the old skin back because it wouldn’t fit."
Next time you feel yourself going through a difficult situation, surrender to the knowledge that naturally and instinctually, you know what to do. If you fight it, you will continue to be constricted. And don't be tempted to put that old skin back on. It won't fit.
What if you could also carry the knowledge, during your darkest moments; that all of your colors will reappear, and you will soon be stepping into a new, healthy version of YOU?