Initial Impressions from #Cap_ELITE Trainees' First 5 Weeks (personal blogs)

Initial Impressions from #Cap_ELITE Trainees' First 5 Weeks (personal blogs)

10 weeks ago, we had 19 new team members from the top business schools in India join the Capgemini family to start on their E.L.I.T.E. General Management Program journey. They spent the first four weeks in an intense onboarding and training program on our Hyderabad campus, followed by a week at Capgemini's training facility at Les Fontaines (outside of Paris) and Paris.

Over the past five weeks since they returned from Paris, they have been sharing their first impressions, personal experiences and snip-its of what they have learned to-date through a series of personal blogs. I have enjoyed reading their stories and have included below some links, select quotes, and great photos from their training journey. The below links provide insights not only into the E.L.I.T.E. program, but a peek into Capgemini as an organization, culture, and family. I hope you enjoy these as much as I do.

19 Blog Links and Excerpts from Capgemini's E.L.I.T.E. Trainees (Click on blog titles to read full blog)

The five weeks that were, at Capgemini by Souvik Ghosh - (IIM-Lucknow - '17)

"After 4 weeks in Hyderabad, came the most exciting part of the onboarding which I was looking forward to, the workshop at Les Fontaines in France. Since I had never been abroad, and I had heard so much about the place, I was excited about the visit. The moment I landed, I was awed by the beauty of the campus. The campus with the chateau, the woods surrounding it and the beautiful weather looked like a painting. What followed the next three days was a condensed version of a consultant’s life, brilliantly facilitated and conducted to ensure maximum learning. The theoretical sessions, the practical implementation, and the direct feedback not only helped us learn but also clarified what we were possibly doing wrong. The journey from “consciously incompetent to unconsciously competent” was the key, as was rightly pointed out. What sweetened the whole experience was the fact that the Talent Week was going on at Les Fontaines, and that provided us with opportunities to interact with people from around the world and from all spheres of Capgemini. "

Knowing When You Don’t Know by Kartikeya Tayal (IIM-Bangalore - '17)

"Graduating from IIM Bangalore, I felt ready to conquer the world. I had given numerous presentations and solved innumerable case studies. However, from the first day of the workshop, I realized how much work I needed to do. Our facilitators Stefan Cornelius, Kees Langbroek and Chirag Thakral presented us with taut, practical sessions designed to improve our communication and structure our thinking. Each session was interactive yet application focused with the facilitators drawing on their experience to show us how we could become better consultants and presenters. But to me the biggest takeaway was how the learnings didn’t just apply to consulting or talking to a client but extended to our everyday interactions."

Because People Matter by Nimit Garg (IIM-Ahmedabad - '17)

"The E.L.I.T.E. cohort comprises 19 individuals, each of whom comes with a unique story and one's own perspective; each is likely to have a unique path ahead. What the program does is to provide a cauldron where these 19 elements can reside, and provide the right conditions for a transformation reaction - including the required ingredients to catalyse this change.

The program has been structured so as to ensure multiple points of contact among the different trainees, right from the get go. We have all been part of a minimum of three teams within the larger group, each team working together on multiple occasions over the five-week period. In addition to getting habituated to working in teams right from the beginning, this helped us know each other a little better. Working on different assignments with varying deadlines not only gave us all a flavour of the usual work-day we would more likely than not be expected to have, but also the much needed latitude and practical lessons on coordinating with each other while everyone had dynamic schedules and some moving targets. The most important takeaway for me, however, was the rapport I built with my team members."

CSR - A Promise and A Commitment by Akshat Prakash (IIM-Calcutta- '17)

"Winston Churchill once said, “Responsibility is the price of Greatness”. This quote applies so well to companies in this era, who can’t achieve greatness without taking on the responsibility of helping improve the society. Gone are the days when the companies were singularly focused on their economic results. Today, creating a strong business and building a better world are not conflicting goals. Though this has gained widespread acceptance, but many companies, at least in India, feel that it is more of a directive to adhere to, than a commitment or a responsibility. For them, it is about spending 2% of their profits but it is so much more than that! Corporate social responsibility is no longer defined by how much money a company contributes to charity, but by its overall involvement in activities that improve the quality of people’s lives. And this is what sets Capgemini apart. . . What impressed me the most was the way Capgemini was involved in the whole process. It just doesn’t provide them funds, but actively gets involved in the functioning of the centre and extends whatever help is necessary."

The E.L.I.T.E. On-boarding: A Tremendous Learning Experience by Saurav Mahapatra (IIM-Ahmedabad - '17)

"Post-MBA, students demand three primary things from their jobs: knowledge, impact, and exposure – I want to know in detail about the industry I am going to be a part of, I want to ensure that my work was able to create a positive impact to the stakeholders, and through that work, I was able to highlight my abilities to a group of decision-makers that will lead to future opportunities for impactful work. I was glad to see all three factors beautifully integrated into the program – industry primers highlighted the legacy of work done in the company, in-depth discussions with leaders focused on capitalizing on emerging trends to stay at the top in an ageing yet evolving industry, the opportunity to work with industry shapers will ensure that every trainee gives their 110% to create the impact they always wanted to, and direct access to Capgemini’s executive leadership provides the level of exposure new entrants to an industry do not even fathom as a reality. It felt like being in the right place at the right time!

There has been a myriad array of key takeaways for me during my short time here, but what has stood out is how Capgemini the organization breathes its core values, that I have briefly listed above. Senior leaders who have been with the industry for decades were not afraid to talk strategy outside the boardroom with a bunch of newbies from B-schools, nor were they perplexed by the difficult questions peppered to them about a troubled industry – in my experience, there were a lot more honest assessments than overarching but hollow statements. The focus was always on doing things right and ensuring that the team had a blast doing it. 

Learning is a Journey not a Destination by Ankur Saraf (IIM-Lucknow - '17)

"It was pure serendipity being selected into the inaugural E.L.I.T.E. General Management program but little did I know that as I jump from the velvet comforts of life at a B-school campus, the 5-week on-boarding experience at Capgemini would be even more enthralling . . . I am now back in Hyderabad, well-settled into my first rotation project on U.S. Wealth Management. What these 5 weeks have done is strengthened my trust further into the E.L.I.T.E. program - I am confident that everything written in their brochure wasn’t just a bubble but it was delivered to the fullest. I am happy to have got this eclectic mix of opportunities at the right moment as a perfect match to my skillset. E.L.I.T.E will be that springboard for the multitude of success that lies ahead in this world of continuous disruption."

"The Onboarding" - A reflection on the first 5 weeks of E.L.I.T.E. General Management Program by Shabahat Shakeel (IIM-Ahmedabad - '17): "When I look back on the initial days of joining and compare it with the present day, I have come a long way from what I was to what I have become. I have changed in the way I conduct or attend meetings, the way I deliver a presentation and the way I work. The change can be attributed to two workshops during the onboarding - the Consulting Skills Workshop and the Pinnacle Workshop. While I had received feedback on my presentation skills and soft skills in the past, the Pinnacle Workshop ensured that I overcome the challenges and achieve significant improvement within 3 days."

When E.L.I.T.E. met Pinnacle! by Abhijith Remanan (IIM-Calcutta - '17)

"I have almost always managed to just make it seem like I am fairly comfortable when put on a stage. I go through whatever I have to say at a decent pace, I remain concise and am good at expressing ideas. I might stumble in my speech somewhere down the line, but I’ll regain the “flow”. So when Minita complimented me for all the above-mentioned features after my short 2-minute introductory speech, I didn’t find it surprising. As it turned out, she was saving the surprise for the latter part of the feedback. I look more like a mannequin than a living-breathing human being when I’m on stage; I barely move. I don’t know what to do with my hands; when I am on stage, they become stiff. I could crack the best joke ever (not that I can!) and yet barely smile myself. Now that was some surprise! And so, the Pinnacle Intent-based Communication Training, which was supposed to boost our confidence in public speaking, kicked-off by dragging it down. This probably was one great thing about the training. Why was it great? Because I believe acknowledgement of your flaws is a pre-requisite for any attempt to improve yourself . . . The Pinnacle Training had to live up to the expectations of 19 E.L.I.T.E. Trainees, a tough ask, but they did it. Personally, I cannot thank the E.L.I.T.E. Core Team enough for arranging the training. They had ensured that the first ever batch of Capgemini E.L.I.T.E. Trainees had all the right tools be become effective communicators.

Learning in Paradise by Askhat Govil (IIM-Calcutta - '17)

"The campus itself was very beautiful, and some of us explored it end to end as soon as we put our luggage in the room. Coming to why we were there, the training itself helped me get out of my comfort zone and still not get flustered- be it surprises in client meetings, or changing presentations due to unusual situations with the audience and much more. There were further opportunities for interaction with networking lunches and dinners- Europe’s senior leadership being present on campus. One remark that has stayed with me during one such event is ‘if you constructively take feedback, and work on it, you can move from being consciously incompetent to consciously competent to unconsciously competent.’ And there was no shortage of feedback in these three days."

Living Capgemini's Core Value of Fun by Annie Sailo (IIM-Bangalore - '17)

"We often hear the importance of having fun at work. It is quite unexpected that a company would put ‘Fun’ as one of its core values and even live up to it. We broke the ice on the first day with introducing each team member to one another after a half hour interaction. The five weeks that followed were nothing short of a fun learning experience. It was the element of fun that made our sessions more engaging and creating an atmosphere conducive to learning. Most of the leadership sessions that we had were an open and engaging discussion – the leaders expressed their views on Capgemini, the industry and on where they though the future was headed towards."

The Capgemini E.L.I.T.E. Onboarding: Learning to learn! by Anshul Singh (FMS-Delhi - '17)

"The first five weeks of E.L.I.T.E general management program was a period of intensive learning. We were exposed to a plethora of activities which focused on instilling lessons and values we carry with us as we embark on our journey in the organization. Sessions on Technical and Domain were balanced with lessons on personal excellence and Leadership sessions which gave us insight not only into the organization but also the way leaders think and take decisions. Each of these activities have helped us immensely in our personal growth."

From consciously incompetent to unconsciously competent by Arjun Vijay (FMS-Delhi - '17)

"Throughout the training, we were blessed with lot of insightful thoughts from various leaders at Capgemini. The one that stood out for me was: “Every human and every company, must strive to move from a position of being unconsciously incompetent to consciously incompetent to consciously competent and ultimately, unconsciously competent”. To put it another way, one must first recognize one’s faults, then work on them relentlessly so much so that the competency gained becomes a part of one’s unconscious, one’s routine. This, like numerous other thoughts, have helped immeasurably in transforming me from being nervous and intimidated to confident, assured and well-prepared for any eventuality. 

Exemplary Learning In Thrilling Environment by Arpit Shah (FMS-Delhi '17)

"Attending lectures and quietly listening to the speakers is what comes to our mind when we hear the word ‘learning’. At Capgemini, it means anything but. We got sufficient exposure to key fields that we would encounter in our career like blockchain, APIs, cloud, big data, etc. through interactive sessions. But that is what we expect the training programs to consist of, don’t we? What turned out as a pleasant surprise was having sessions on topics like emotional intelligence, unconscious biases and other topics focusing on culture and behavior in organizations, and how helpful they turned out to be! A complete 2-day workshop conducted by professional actors flown from abroad to help us improve our soft skills just says it all. And the way the senior leadership interacted with us, the ease with which we asked them questions and the honesty with which they replied - shows that Capgemini is one company which really lives its values and has an "open-door" policy in true sense."

Living the Core Values by Ashutosh Kukreti (FMS-Delhi - '17)

"The 5 week training which ended with a week in Les Fontaines, France introduced me to an unexplored side of me. The weeks included leadership sessions, Capgemini related sessions, Pinnacle workshop and Consulting Skills Workshop training. All these sessions, though entirely different, had one common theme in the background which unified them to provide an enriching learning experience and it was Capgemini’s Core Values. The seven core values of Capgemini – Honesty, Boldness, Trust, Freedom, Team Spirit, Modesty and Fun have been present all along the journey and have helped me to develop a new perspective."

The E.L.I.T.E. Experience by Mrinalini Singh (IIM-Bangalore - '17)

"In Week 5, we headed to Capgemini University in Les Fontaines for the Consulting Skills Workshop. It had some interesting examples for topics ranging from High Performing Teams, Hypothesis Driven Analysis, Collaborative Process Mapping and Transformation Mapping to Storyboarding and other core consulting skills. A view into Capgemini’s frameworks for Strategic Scoping, Financial Analysis, Top-down Business Case, Bottom-up Business Case and Benefits Tracking were good takeaways. The live scribing was also interesting with well-articulated graphics highlighting the key points. Overall a value-adding journey with diverse experiences and leadership interactions, now transitioning to the start of challenging projects."

A sneak peek into the E.L.I.T.E. journey by Puneet Khokhawat (IIM-Lucknow '17): The five-week journey in Capgemini as part of the inaugural E.L.I.T.E. program has been nothing short of being a remarkable one. It all started with the core team welcoming us at the beautiful Hyderabad campus. The first day at your job is always the one filled with a lot of excitement and nervousness, same was the case for all the 19 of us. I can safely say that after these five weeks, the excitement is still there but the nervousness has changed to curiosity and eagerness to learn.

The E.L.I.T.E. welcome: A 5-week journey of onboarding and learning by Raghi Thulaseedharan (IIM-Lucknow - '17)

"The overall journey was enriching and exciting. No stones were left unturned to make sure we imbibed the culture and values of Capgemini and at the same time learn the FS SBU’s business and practices. Now with all the learning we had, we are off to our first rotations. The clock is ticking!"

The Five Weeks – A Journey to Remember by Shashwat Sharma (IIM-Lucknow '17): The sessions with Thierry Delaporte (CEO, FS), Jack Dugan (Head of Insurance BU), and Amit Choudhary (CFO, FS) opened up the world of Capgemini to us. The core values of Capgemini are the part of the leaders’ persona. The sessions not only enlightened us on the path that the Financial Services sector is moving towards, but also how Capgemini aims to maintain its leadership taking into account the fast changing environment of the business.

La Niaque by Tarun Bansal (FMS-Delhi - '17)

The 5-week Onboarding journey which was full of learning, fun, and interactions has ended now, but I am fully charged with more knowledge, better techniques and last but not the least the ‘La Niaque’ spirit to put my best foot forward in my first rotation project, paving my way in the company and assuring the company that they have made a right investment


Thanks to the all of the E.L.I.T.E. Trainees for sharing your perspectives and stories. Looking forward to the next wave of blogs covering your first rotations!

Sarang Brahme

I love Employer/Talent Branding. Community Builder. Lifelong learner. Recruitment Marketing and Talent Attraction.

7 年

Bill, Kudos to you and your team who embraced social media as part of ELITE onboarding. Amazing case study for others to follow!


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