Initial comments on DRAFT IS 1893 (Part 1 & 2) | Bhavin Shah
Recently, BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards) has circulated draft standard of IS 1893 (Part 1) and IS 1893 (Part 2) for comments.
Links for downloading the documents:
My initial comments for the draft documents are mentioned below. I am still going through the documents and in process of refining the comments. Sharing herewith my initial comments on the documents:
DRAFT IS 1893 (PART 1)
1.?????Para no. 1.6 b): AEU Protection
AEU protection is required only for the buildings and structures whose importance factor is (as per table 5 of CED 39?(22345) for buildings) 1.5 or more. However, in the table no. 5, the maximum value of importance factor is only 1.15. It is suggested to revise the entire methodology and introduce the appropriate values of the importance factor by making the necessary calibrations in the design earthquake zone factor Z (para no.
2.??????Para no. 1.7: AEU modelling
It is mentioned that when mass of AEU is more than 1 percent of mass of the structure then AEU should be included in the structural model. Please clarify and elaborate with more details related to the same. There are few questions like properties of AEU for inclusion in the model, AUE to be considered as rigid or flexible body, etc.
3.?????Para no. 5.1: Ground motion
It is mentioned that the predominant direction of ground vibration is horizontal in the far-fault region; the horizontal and vertical shakings are comparable in the near-fault regions. How will the effect of increased vertical earthquake force be considered in near fault region as there are no separate calculations of the force for the near fault region?
4.?????Para no. Earthquake zone factor
The value of the earthquake zone factor (Z) needs to be revisited since the values of design base shear are increasing more than ~two times for higher seismic zones compared to the current IS code. In my opinion, such a higher increase of the base shear is unwarranted. With an increase in base shear and requirement of the ductile detailing, there is congestion in the reinforcement which affects the constructability. Congestion of reinforcement leads to poor quality of concreting as well as the durability of the structure is severely impacted. Such, poorly executed structures due to congestion of reinforcement would not achieve the desired goal of the earthquake resistant design. ?I am of the opinion that for increasing the earthquake resistant design capacity of the structures, instead of increase in value of base shear, it is required to establish appropriate proof-checking mechanism of the design calculations & drawings as well as appropriate quality control mechanism during execution.
5.?????Para no. 7.1 : Performance expectation , 7.1.1 Damage, 7.1.2 Integrity, Desirable collapse mechanism, Key elements, 7.2.5 Energy dissipation and desirable collapse mechanism
Performance expectation is defined with reference to damage, integrity, desirable collapse mechanism, key elements. As it is motioned in the document that nonlinear analysis including geometry and material nonlinearities is to be carried out. For performing nonlinear analysis, selection of the nonlinear property of the material is very crucial which needs to be included in the document. Since practicing engineers in India do not use nonlinear analysis in general projects, the overall procedure for performing the nonlinear analysis covering material and geometry non-linearity, to be include in the document. It is suggested to include the procedure and information about sensitive parameters for the nonlinear analysis since inappropriate parameters and the procedure could lead to completely wrong non-linear analysis.
6.?????Para no. 7.1 : Performance expectation , 7.1.1 Damage, 7.1.2 Integrity, Desirable collapse mechanism, Key elements, 7.2.5 Energy dissipation and desirable collapse mechanism
Applicability of the clauses for different types of structures should be mentioned based on importance, height, earthquake zone and other relevant criteria.
7.?????Para no. 7.5.1 (e) : Load combinations for connections and vertical members
Load combination factors for design of connections and vertical members for limit state design do not match with the load combination factors for earthquake shaking along one horizontal plan direction at a time (para no., earthquake shaking along two mutually orthogonal horizontal plan directions (para no. and earthquake shaking along three mutually orthogonal directions (para no. Please check and make the necessary corrections.
8.?????Para no. 7.6.1 (d): Modelling
It is mentioned that for soils, K (modulus of subgrade reaction) shall be considered to vary over the range of 0.5K to 2.0K. This requirement will generate lot of practical difficulties. Therefore, it is suggested that applicability of the clause may be mentioned with reference to height, importance of the structure, earthquake zone, etc. Also, it may be clarified that three analysis are required, i.e. with K=0.5, K=1.0 & K=2.0, instead of considering all values of K in the range.
9.?????Para no. 7.8, 7.8.1 to 7.8.4,, Geotechnical aspects
Geotechnical aspects should be mentioned in the relevant Indian Standards of geotechnical investigations, since geotechnical engineers may not be referring to Indian standards related to earthquake resistant design. ?
DRAFT IS 1893 (PART 2)
1.??Para no. 5.2.1 (table 1): Stiffness requirements
The effective second moment of inertia for concrete buildings (for slabs, beams, columns & walls) is identical for limit state of strength and serviceability. The values should be different for both the limit states. The values should be different since with the concept given in the draft document, the design of the beam in dead load + live load condition, will have the bottom reinforcement at mid-span of the beam as less by ~10%, as compared to the values given in IS 16700. With the concept given in the draft document, the bending moment at beam column junction will be higher, but the bending moment at mid-span of the beam (bottom) will be less as compared to IS 16700. Generally, as a good engineering practise, we provide bit more reinforcement at mid-span of the beam (bottom), assuming that the required fixity may not be achieved at beam-column junctions due to several reasons. In view of the same, the values of concrete structures are to be revisited.
2.??Para no. (table 5): Importance factor
In the draft document, from table no.5, it appears that the importance factor has become redundant. The entire methodology may be revisited or the values of earthquake zone factors may be calibrated so that the importance factor has higher value for buildings of strategic importance than normal structures.
3.?????Para (a) & Torsional irregularity and Torsional flexibility
There is requirement of checking both torsional irregularity and torsional flexibility. For reducing the computational efforts, any one check may be eliminated. Also, the procedure for performing torsional analysis (table 6) may be elaborated.
4.???Para no. 8.1 (table 11): Structural system for steel buildings
It is mentioned that only EBF (eccentric braced frame) is allowed in earthquake zones V and VI. This requirement needs to be revisited due to following reasons. Firstly, performance of SCBF and SMRF frames are adequate. During past seismic events in India, there is no significant damage to the properly designed and executed structures with SCBF or SMRF. Secondly, there is a learning curve for the practicing engineers in India for EBF frames. So, making it mandatory in the seismic zone V and VI could lead to number of practical difficulties. Instead of making EBF mandatory structural systems in higher seismic zones, it may be said that the EBF structural system is recommended. ?????????
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Design Engineer
5 个月Sir what about the over strength factor ..the value is missing in the draft code