Inhaling a promise of hope...
April 2023

Inhaling a promise of hope...

The movement of its wings mesmerized her…


Welcome to my newsletter, LinkedIn Content Creation Inspiration ~ Delightful Thoughts, where I share content ideas to help you in creating LinkedIn posts your network will want to read.

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Content creation idea: Suffering and beautiful states


What are “suffering and beautiful states”?


And how does that idea relate to content creation on LinkedIn?


Sharing this kind of story on LinkedIn can be powerful.


But, let’s start by defining these terms first.


A suffering state can mean anxiety or stress. A beautiful state can mean happy, joyful, passionate.


You are either in one or the other state, but not in both at the same time.


So in terms of creating a post about it, think about pain points and desired outcomes.


Have you experienced a time of “suffering”, which was followed by something “beautiful”? In other words, you had a problem which you solved.


Your post can be about your experience – how you resolved the problem.


Let your audience feel what you felt.


Move your reader from a suffering state to a beautiful state.


Inhaling a promise of hope…


Victoria sighed deeply...The darkness within threatened to overwhelm her…


Quietly she wandered outside…desperately needing to inhale fresh air, while trying to exhale overwhelming grief…desperately trying to inhale balance, while trying to exhale the indescribable sorrow…


As she stood there processing the devastating news that her friend’s daughter had died the day before her 27th birthday, tears started flowing. Her heart ached for her friend and her family. Victoria knew she couldn’t fix anything, but she grieved immensely for what her friend must be going through.


“We buried her in silence…”


As the quiet stillness of the late afternoon slowly surrounded her, she looked up. A tiny, white butterfly hovered in the garden near her.

“She will always remain a part of my heart…”

Victoria stood completely still and watched as the little butterfly fluttered near her. So graceful and peaceful, the movement of its wings mesmerized her…as she slowly she inhaled a new promise while watching this beautiful creature.

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It seemed to whisper: “There is hope! Keep believing! Keep praying! Keep sharing love!”


Victoria knew incredibly hard days were ahead for her friend. She resolved to keep praying for her and to keep sharing love with her.


As the little creature gently flew away, Victoria breathed a prayer of thanks for the hope it shared with her at a time when she desperately needed some….

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“We all have the opportunity to be light in the darkness. My hope…is to remind you of the incredible power for good you possess.?Shine your light a little brighter today to light the path for someone else. Be encouraged, people of impact. You are making a difference.” Tim Brand

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I am letting my light shine today to brighten the path for someone else.


Need help in creating content?

Your story is important and needs to be told.

Let’s have a conversation about creating content for your LinkedIn posts.


Interested in learning how to leverage 12 LinkedIn posts from one anchor (main) article (called my “Golden Anchor Method”)?

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Contact me: DM on LinkedIn or [email protected] ~

Let’s set up a time to talk about your content creation on LinkedIn.



Val Roskens Tews

I write for impactful coaches and founders, helping them create content that builds connection and credibility

[email protected]

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David Marlow

The Ikigai Guy ?? ? Author of the soon to be released 'The Ikigai Way'

1 年

So much good stuff packed into one newsletter!

Tim West

?? Leadership Coaching ?? Bringing Head and Heart Together ?? Self-discovery ?? Living Abundance ?? Aligning to a Higher Purpose ??Building Belonging Cultures??

1 年

Content driven by the duality of life! Amazing ideas Val, and the audience will deeply relate to both. This drives engagement. ??

Jennifer Keable

Beat Burnout & Boost Retention ? Transformative Stress Management & Well-Being Programs ? Corporate Well-Being Strategist, Workshop Facilitator & Speaker

1 年

These are some wonderful tips Val Roskens Tews!!

Raj Vashisht

CEO at Adrianaa Services

1 年

Love this ?? Val ?? thank for your great inspiration my friend ????

Scott Boddie

Engagement creates Belonging ? builds Resilience ?? Design Thinker ?? OD Consultant ?? Trainer & Workshop Creator ?? Culture Strategist & Habitat Composer ?? Nationally Recognized Mental Health Advocate

1 年

You know that just reading the title of your article made me take one nice deep breath, right Val? ?? Joy AMIDST suffering - - that's a whole other accomplishment altogether. ??


