Ingenuity costs NOTHING

Ingenuity costs NOTHING

Ingenuity; Maybe a strange word or way to start a post, but the thought of being inventive is not a single concept, its a movement, a herd approach and more so than ever in times we all face both at work and home.

"the quality of being cleverly inventive or resourceful; inventiveness: a designer of great ingenuity. cleverness or skillfulness of conception or design: a device of great ingenuity"

Why apply this word and meaning to your everyday thinking, especially now ?

Well it takes creative minds to form solutions, and everyone of us possess this talent. We need solutions more than ever, but so often we create a thought and maybe we dont act on it or have the confidence to share, speak up or even develop our Ingenuity.

As the industry I am passionate about Hospitality; begins to formulate plans operationally to re-open businesses and bring furloughed employees back to work, its peoples collective ingenuity that will source thinking and ideas. Resource the crowd to operationally develop plans to provide safety ideas, provide marketing campaigns, and find new ways to excel in guest service.

"Employees come to the table; Leaders make the table available, its costs NOTHING "

So how do you take action; listen to the ideas of many and action a plan. Employees and business owners are a team. That team can right now be sitting on a wealth of knowledge. Reach out to someone in your network, have a conversation about concept, a design, a need. Gather all your team together and look at the problem or challenge point. The simplest of ideas may provide the answer you are looking for !. Listen to learn.

As example we face an unprecedented task and set of guidelines just in the re-opening of businesses in the coming weeks. Guidelines and direction will create the foundation of safety, operation, but ingenuity will create the action and delivery; the mental resources to apply. Do you have a concept for room cleanliness, did you create a technology product that provides efficiencies or method you need to share. What are you waiting for ?

Speak up; Share the Knowledge; Get Engaged

Be Safe




