Infrastructure Universe, Vol. 21: Step Up Your Workflows with New Tools and Videos

Infrastructure Universe, Vol. 21: Step Up Your Workflows with New Tools and Videos

Greetings from the Infrastructure Universe! Over the last few weeks, Autodesk has released a couple of updates, some great new workflows, and exciting news. Make sure you check out all the new videos and tools I have to share this month!

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AutoCAD 2019.1 Update


The most recent update for AutoCAD 2019 included extensive product enhancements and bug fixes, including:

  • Xref-dependent blocks in the bind status with certain linetypes now display correctly with 3D visual styles
  • Draw order is now maintained correctly when modifying objects in paper space
  • Hatch colors in blocks now display correctly in paper space
  • Multiline text objects now display normally in all drawings
  • Updating the multiple line attributes of an annotative block now works correctly after the block has been moved or modified

Read more about the updates. Use the Autodesk Desktop App to download and install this update.

ReCap Photo Update Version


The most recent update for ReCap Photo fixed the issue where project status appeared hung while syncing. Use the Autodesk Desktop App to download and install this update.

InfraWorks 2019.1 Update


The most recent update for InfraWorks 2019 included extensive product enhancements and bug fixes, including:

  • Fixed an issue where road profiles imported from an AutoCAD Civil 3D DWG data source had incorrect profile geometry
  • Fixed an issue where text labels for contour lines would not update automatically in-canvas
  • Fixed an issue where Model Builder models failed to display ground imagery until the ground imagery data source was refreshed in the Data Sources panel
  • Fixed an issue where InfraWorks would unexpectedly close when importing KML format files via drag-and-drop into the Data Sources panel
  • Fixed an issue where InfraWorks would freeze when creating a snapshot while Proximity was enabled in View Settings
  • Fixed multiple issues related to Roadway Design and Civil Structures

Use the Autodesk Desktop App to download and install this update.

InfraWorks Offers Enhancements to Design and Collaboration and Connects BIM to GIS

From Infrastructure Reimagined: “I’m excited to share the improvements delivered in this year’s first update to InfraWorks. One way Autodesk delivers value to subscribers is by releasing new capabilities and improvements as they become available, which means more frequent releases and continuous product improvement throughout the year. … This update reflects our focus on enhancing design and connecting workflows. It’s a special update because, along with the helpful improvements to existing workflows, we have added a new capability that connects data in a way never done before. But first, let’s talk about the improvements.”

Read more

Connecting BIM to GIS

From Autodesk: “The Autodesk Connector for ArcGIS is the first step toward realizing the vision of the partnership between Autodesk and Esri to integrate BIM and GIS workflows. This new feature in Autodesk InfraWorks allows you to connect GIS data in a more seamless manner to your BIM design model in InfraWorks. With this capability, all attributes of the GIS data are added to the InfraWorks model, making the 3D context model much more intelligent, robust and accurate.

With the introduction of the Autodesk Connector for ArcGIS, Esri is inviting Autodesk customers to a special limited time offer to receive a complimentary subscription Esri ArcGIS Online for 1 year.”

Learn more

Course: 2D Hydraulic Modeling with RiverFlow2D

From Hydronia: “This course, aimed at Hydraulic Engineers, Geomorphologists, Floodplain Managers, and other professionals dealing with flood assessments in floodplains, will provide the knowledge and tools necessary to use the RiverFlow2D two-dimensional model to simulate flooding, dam/levee-break floods and hydrologic runoff. Participants will learn how to build and customize a RiverFlow2D geodatabase, import data, incorporate hydraulic structures such as weirs, culverts, gates and bridges, and generate graphics for velocity fields, depths, water elevation, time of inundation, hazard maps and animations. Emphasis will be made in the recent version of the model for QGIS (Open-source Geographic Information System (GIS)). The course includes hands-on sessions with exercises to practice some of the RiverFlow2D model tools using real-world project data.”

Learn more and register

Creating and Manipulating Civil 3D Sample Lines

From Civil Immersion: “By default, Civil 3D sample lines are placed perpendicular to an alignment. That said, some designs (or cross sections) may require “skewed” or multi-segmented sample lines. At times like these, Civil 3D provides specialized tools for creating virtually any sample line you may need.”

Read more and watch the video

Creating Dynamic Civil 3D Offset Alignments and Widenings

From Civil Immersion:

“Proposed linear designs are often represented using multiple parallelentities. Lane edges, medians, shoulders, ditches and R.O.W. are just a few examples. When design changes are made, it’s important that all related entities update as well. Fortunately, modifications like this are made easy using Civil 3D’s offset alignments.”

Read more and watch the video

Square Root with AutoCAD

From Autodesk Knowledge Network: "How to calculate the square root of any number simply by drawing a few lines and a circle."

Watch the video

Infrastructure Tuesday: Reducing Surface File Size in Civil 3D

From the Infrastructure Tuesday webinar series: "In this clip from Aaron Powell’s Infrastructure Tuesday: Civil 3D Surfaces (Tips & Tricks), Aaron shares how to reduce the file size of a large surface in Civil 3D."

Watch the video

Finish Strong Friday: Utilizing Survey Monument GIS Data in Civil 3D

From Civil Immersion: “As many of you know, the Map 3D FDO tools for connecting to various GIS databases and file stores are very powerful and luckily-are included with Civil 3D. Recently, I was talking with a customer about grabbing published survey monument data and bringing it into a Civil 3D project. Based on this discussion, I thought this might be of interest to others who may not be completely familiar with the GIS tools available in Civil 3D/Map 3D; hence this post.”

Read more and watch the video

Drone Software Buyer's Guide

From 3DR: “It’s not easy to choose the right drone software platform for your business: you’re investing time and money adopting a brand new tool and training your team, so you want to make sure to get it right. This guide—which includes words of wisdom from construction professionals and industry experts—provides a simple framework and key considerations that you can use to pick the best software platform for you and your team.”

Read more and download the guide

Autodesk Acquires Assemble Systems to Strengthen Building Project Lifecycle; Continues Autodesk's Investment in Construction Tech

From Autodesk: “Autodesk, Inc. announced the acquisition of Salem, Massachusetts-based Assemble Systems, Inc. Assemble Systems provides a SaaS solution that enables construction professionals to condition, query and connect BIM data to key workflows across bid management, estimating, scheduling, site management and finance. Over time, Assemble Systems’ solution will be integrated with Autodesk’s new BIM 360 project management platform.”

Read the full news release

3 Things Your Competitors Can Teach You About BIM Training

From the U.S. CAD Blog: “Training and professional development are some of the most important investments that companies and individuals make. For professionals in the AEC industries, rapid advancements in technology and trends makes it even more important to stay current. From augmented and virtual reality to new job site wearables, the industry and the technologies that support it are growing rapidly. BIM (Building Information Modeling) adoption has also grown dramatically, with sectors like government poised for an increase in BIM usage. Many commercial AEC firms have already seen the benefits of BIM adoption, and BIM training is one of the ways companies can help their staff stay informed about BIM technology updates and changes. Yet why are so many firms still struggling with getting their staff educated and trained in BIM?”

Read the full post

UK Startup Uses Recycled Plastic to Build Stronger Roads

From Curbed: “We’ve seen the birth of futuristic solar roads and even a return to retro gravel roads, but now there’s a new player on the street: recycled plastic. British engineer Toby McCartney has devised an innovative process to replace much of the crude oil-based asphalt in pavement with tiny pellets of plastic created from recyclable bottles. The result is a street that’s 60 percent stronger than traditional roadways, 10 times longer-lasting, and a heck of a lot better for the environment, claims McCartney’s company MacRebur.”

Read the full article

Paving Materials Made from Plastic Waste

From Our Planet: One company is using plastic waste to pave roads.

Watch the video

Prevent Street Flooding with Special Concrete

From In the Know Innovation: This special concrete can absorb water to help prevent street flooding.

Watch the video

Webinar: Better Planning and Design with Street-Level Imagery

From Brockwell IT Consulting: “Brockwell and CycloMedia have teamed up to provide a powerful plugin that will access CycloMedia’s Street Smart viewer and enable CAD users to view 360 imagery, take measurements and import LiDAR point clouds for 3D modeling. In this recorded webinar, we demonstrate our plugin to bring CycloMedia’s Street Smart to the AutoCAD suite and Bentley’s MicroStation.”

Watch the video

Webinar: The Autodesk & ESRI Partnership = BIM + GIS

From Autodesk: “BIM and GIS? Together? Find out what all the talk has been about. In this webcast, Autodesk Technical Marketing Manager, Wes Newman, and Rafael Fernandes, AEC Solution Engineer from Esri, will discuss the benefits of the new partnership, the current state of solution integrations, and the possibilities for the future.”

Watch the video



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