Infrastructure - rules, part-1 (draft, last update 21st Feb)


Most businessess rules discard minority of people on which efforts live all other people groups, i.e. innovators and people who are mobile. Innovations are functional things everybody else is using. It takes 10-20 years of diligent studies and independent research to arrive to innovation.

Rules create reality without the innovators, because they lead to housing nuisance, prevents from sleeping, create waste of time, create not-imaginable problems ( like storage rule are such that I must carry 5 bags with myself the last 3 months, but I paid £70 for 9 foot box the last month) , subsequently leads to loss of job, reduced incomes, homelessness, childlessness, sickness.

Value of innovation in range of million - billions, because everybody use the innovation. Each lost billion affect 40,000 creative people if paying £25,000 per year to each. Housing, storage, server, lack of electric nuisance may instantly lead to billions theft or relocation to the third parties.

Not functional service may create conflicts. It is bad, bcs part of cultures are force-structures, they may persecute innovator, etc...

This article aims to summarise 6y experience in various services when trying to start business, i.e. it is not about gov schemes. TO BE WRITTEN

  • 10 years of education and not-paid research from 6am until mid-night is adequate to £500,000.
  • One skilled programmer with complex functional code in 1 week is capable as much as 100 programmers team in 1 ?year. By skills person value is ten millions.
  • Intellectual Property = idea value is billions, which is easy to loose, and IT markets changes hourly, but money are limited and occasions to meet investors are once per year. But, 1 billion taking to the account 10y of not-paid work and studies pays back only for 4000 people; or can in real time support 40,000?creative?people.
  • Mental work results?are not linear; at some point in 10-20y studies arrives m(b)illions worth result.
  • Mental work efficiency is not linear; in one day it is possible to write 400 versus 60,000 words, etc...
  • Mental work needs to focus and longer hours to reach the result. If premises closes 23pm, creative people the next morning do not continue form the place they left yesterday, differently from the workers. If i have no 3 extra hours to debug the function because the building is closing, later I may loose a month trying to understand where my code failed.
  • Approx 1 OF 10,000 innovators reaches the commercial success. The person stating that he is capable to work office hours maybe not the successful one. The most used programming languages , internet, software were written by 1 - few programmers, thousands joined to maintain and improve; hundreds millions to use.
  • Thus, there can not be any nuisances, bcs they deprive the person from 20y work results. It leads to creative person childlessness and homelessness.

(1) For example, the Library has a shower - this saves me £40 for a gym, but if library has no place to dry hair, it may lead to meningitis and other serious sickness and death. Cold head from wet hair reduces thinking a lot too!

The fan is a fire hazard, which can operate in the premise. The human standing by the wall does not block fire exit.

The fan may cause a fire if smdb leaves it on the carpet. I believe the solution is that i report START and STOP of fan usage. it takes 5-10min to dry the hair.

But, three waged librarians - managers ordered to stop using fan. This is what i meat - waged people who leave me with wet hair in cold winter.

(2) Hot water may boost thinking 10 times. I buy a coffee and ask a cup of hot water on top. Some cafe managers goes to open conflicts in-front of other customers by refusing to give a cup of hot water. Today I was explained, that I endanger the staff by asking for a hot water, bcs I must know that cafe does not give it away. They give away cold water, or hot water with cold water sip. The managers are not competent about food service. Food is a big part of health. The service has the rule to inform and modify it to reasonable extend. The basics of service theory is that the staff must serve what the customer asks. To give cold instead of hot, it is the same as to give salt instead of sugar; or to put little salt into sugar. It is the same as bus driver going to wrong direction. Second, the managers threaten reasonable mind staff about retirment for goodness giving 1 cup of hot water. A good person should not be afraid to loose a job by behaving in human understandable way.

(3) I believe the lack of gym maybe the most important factor leading to my debilitation the last month. I wanted to make very large volume of work, planned this, found place to sleep 10 instead of 5, focused on good food and bough a gym for £40. Smdb cancelled my 24/7 access gym membership around 25th Jan 2024. I lost not only the gym exercise which boosts thinking, but also (3a) fan ( i have no where to fan the head the last 2 weeks, ears are full of water, maybe i have week meningitis with wet head in cold winter), head is like an ice; (3b) 24/7 access premise where i can go late night to finish write the code function. The last week i was fixing the error, which arose by not-finalising the code, it took a week, bcs the gym-access was closed, and i have no where to spend 1-3 hours more to debug it after 11pm. (3c) I experienced substantial waste of time by writing complaints. I realized that maybe i am an idiot bcs of lack of gym on 20th Feb, approx after 3 weeks, bcs it is too cold to exercise and i sit on the chair in cafes. There are two gyms of 24/7 but the second is not suitable for work with computer, and i do not feel safe in it late night. From the end of Feb 2024 starts another round of conferences in Eastern London events center where 2nd gym does not exists. I can not afford expensive hotels and need a gym to shower.

Do you understand 1 week loss?? I attend 22 international events in last three months, talked to approx 10,000 companies, everyone can make my idea instead of me, I loose 25 years result, bcs some waged idiot closed the gym for me. I remain homeless and childless until the end of the life; he or she enjoy mortgage, work, wages, pension, etc... To eat good and to sit in cafe an extra month cost approx £400. Gym does not compensate these money.

(4) The storage does not provide 24/7 access or at least extended ours access from 5am to 1am, stating that my unit size is too small.

The rule which measure business by storage size is irrational, because many businesses having m(b)illion worth Intellectual Property are based on skills and many years of education. It does not depend on the size of unit. Storage is essential need of business, but limited access hours or large price spoils business by creating waste of time or depriving from the food. All London storage operate with enormous damages. They have licence to provide storage, but tey lead to business loss which is based on three university degrees and 20y work.

To move-in things took 3 days ( i was distracted for a week), instead of 1 day. I can not search for a work and housing, bcs i must carry 3 bags with electronics and wrm clothes. I was too busy to move out, but it too cold until March. So i stuck for 4 months with expensive small unit storage. I believe they overcharged me 7 times, depriving from money for food. On 5-7th Nov 2023 there was international conference in tourism, but i experienced waste by the storage and Universal credit., and the storage defamed me to go to conference with 3 large bags, etc..

In complex programming, I need to focus on the tasks, the storage acts as a distraction, preventing form reaching results. If I use storage instead of programming from 7am until i reach result, generally around 11pm or 3am;

  • i loose 2-3h in the morning waiting for storage to open,
  • and I have to go t o storage 4pm, which is approx 1h loss , but acts as distraction deleting all morning focusing; thus i restart around 5-6pm and achieve nothing.

(5) Many service have rule forbidding the customer to sleep. The nap and sleep is the main factor to reach the efficiency and the result. The sleep is natural human function, and any rule forbidding to sleep. It is adequate to forbidding to breath OR to go to the toilet. The tall strong security man with waged 40y experience persecuted me in many cafes by forbidding to nap after 30h work with computer around 4am wating unrise to go out safe around 6am. The sleep disturbace creates madness. Some peope buy a cup of coffee to talk, i buy a cup of coffee to nap?

---Most of specialties are workers who do not understand Intellectual property on which they live and which they use. Everybody is functioning for everyone. But, most of people take decision which deprived innovators from results. Billions may go the thieves or cultures not capable to create functional items.

Sometimes it seems for me that the London infrastructure is infiltrated by Intellectual Property thieves, and the damages are deliberate. But, maybe they arise from the cultural difference or not-competence.

Many managers do not pass basics of logic, ignore complaints for months explaining enormous damages by their service or cost of the service. Many managers say that they can do whatever they want. Do not know who put these powers to their minds? They have licences to provide service. They can not operate with damages to the customers; or apply irrational rules. They look smart and clever, they work diligently. Are they debilitated? or smbd use some technologies to affect their minds deliberately?

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