Infrastructure IS Code? OR as Code?
Representation for Infrastrcucture is Code from google Search

Infrastructure IS Code? OR as Code?

Now a days the time is very tough from the health perspective. Please be safe and try to be in isolation and maintain the social distancing to avoid infection from coronavirus. God bless everyone with Good Health. Be safe and stay at home.

On the other hand, there are so many technologies in market and each of them is shaping the future of IT’s technical landscape in some sense. We are treating Infrastructure now as part of our project similar to other components like the first citizen in programming now a days.

Cloud providers, Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform and other many tools are out there in market and everyone is giving a feel of Infrastructure as a Code by giving declarative way to do IaaC using YAMLs files, manifest files, json files etc. And it is actually super convenient in many cases for DevOps Engineers to work with these files. however for programmers & developers, it is still a challenging "task" :) to prepare so many declarative YAML files.

Today Cloud is one of the promising platform for offloading your IT workloads. The concept of Blast Radius actually helps to bring governance and control on the impacts of specific workload apart from other offering of clouds like IaaC, PaaS, SaaS and others.

And it is very much required for everyone NOW a DAYS. Cloud has open so many ways for running many kinds of IT workloads with optimized OpEx and model like Pay-Per-Use.

Cloud also implements the concepts of Serverless as FaaS offerings. Serverless is relatively new "thing" at cloud providers where deployments are complex however Serverless benefits are really promising with real Pay-Per-Use commitment.

Today it is all about code. Code for application, code for infrastructure, config and then automation. People have done really good job for DevOps so today the IT infrastructure and its main activities like provisioning, monitoring, security, integrations are happening very smoothly and things are really automated in pipelines.

And Over the period of time, Cloud providers also have developed template technology like CloudFormation to reduce burden further by giving declarative approach for infrastructure provisioning, plumbing and other activities as part of IaaC i.e.

Infrastructure as a Code

You can see below, how typical cloud template looks (taken from

  "AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09",
  "Resources": {
    "PullMarkets": {
      "Type": "AWS::Lambda::Function",
      "Properties": {
        "FunctionName": "PullMarkets",
        "Handler": "lambda/index.handler",
        "Role": {
          "Fn::GetAtt": [
        "Code": {
          "S3Bucket": "my-lambda-functions",
          "S3Key": "PullMarketCode"
        "Runtime": "nodejs8.10",
        "Timeout": 300

And similar kind of structure can be generated by “third party” tools like Terraform, not only for AWS but for other cloud provider like Azure, GCP also. these templates are consumed by Cloud providers and services and produce the Resources in cloud.

There is no doubt about that the template kind of technology is necessary for faster and reliable DevOps chains and of course there is no questions on applicability of DevOps in today’s IT project.

The benefits of DevOps chains are part of a larger story for digital applications with frequent continuous delivery and for new features to reach market on time.

DevOps is good but as an application Developer, we like to code and involve in designing and developing the applications and want to do the DevOps coding also in Application Code Style.

Application developers use OOPs, FP, SOP and other to implement for code to achieve “Abstraction”, “Component Model”, “Events” and “Encapsulation” for the “Entities” involved in the use case for problem at hand.

With application developer mindset, some time to write code with declarative approach becomes so boring because of lot of YAMLs copy, paste & management. 

And very soon, we start losing interest for this kind of Declarative writing because it becomes very cumbersome to write, copy, paste and manage more & more and bigger YAMLs.

Even “third parties tooling” which obviously gives benefits over writing direct cloud template, but still leaves you at the same level of task may be with little less YAML code.

But for bigger Enterprise projects the YAML writing skills and arranging the different configs in template formation is very challenging and need the declarative mind set and this skill set has learning curve for an Application Developer to become true App & DevOps.

So if you have requirements to write more and more YAMLs with multiple resources and levels, it is better to defines abstractions, constructs or component around them and it use them just like any other Enterprise application and developing like application code. It will actually be a FUN.

Our Application development always involves some SDK with runtime. Like JDK with JRE, javascript with nodejs and python with python 3.7 interpreter. 

What if you get the basic abstractions, constructs, components, classes sort of things for defining infrastructure resource, doing plumbing like any other application which provides the SDK to do that with related run-time like java, node and python

Meet CDK (Cloud Development Kit) from AWS and other Cloud providers. With CDK you can create resources like if Infrastructure is Code.
Let's learn more about this.    

In simple words, CDK is tool which enables SAME skills like javascript, java etc. for defining your “application” and “infrastructure” code.

It provides, abstractions in terms of Classes, Interface for infra resources and give the opportunity to application developer to code for Infra resources using "best practiced" infra patterns just like any other enterprise application.

Application code on build, provides the “Deployment Artifacts like war, ear etc.” however CDK like tools on build, generates the “(CloudFormation) Cloud provisioning Templates” which can be consumed by cloud provider and service to create stacks (basically create all kind of resources, part of same component’s Stack).

Please refer this link ( to learn more about AWS CDK and this one for ( Google CDK.

In the rest of this article, I am going to give some examples for AWS-CDK using TypeScript, AWS-SDK, NodeJS and VSCode.

For that we would create a Stack for simple web service like "Customer Profile service". We would take care for both infrastructure resources and applications code neded for this customer-porfile service.

Following things would be required for "Customer Profile Service"

1.      REST HTTP APIs for saving/querying customer info

2.      AWS DynamoDB to keep customer profile records

3.      AWS Lambda Functions for performing Business logic

4. AWS Permissions between AWS services to obey all IAM rules for Security

The final application architecture would be similar to this -

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Okay Lets get started!

So for the first step , we will setup AWS account credentials in VSCode environment, so that you can interact with your AWS account from VsCode.

You can actually do this using command window feature of VSCode. Please use AWS: Credentials Profile command. It will look like this

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Next install cdk cli NPM package for nodejs.

> npm install aws-cdk

VSCode, AWS Toolkit, CDK CLI, AWS - CDK tool kit all these provides good support for provisioning, plumbing and permissions support for resources in AWS. 

And now create a CDK application easily with your preferred language's choice

> cdk init app --language=typescript

This command will generate a AWS-CDK project based on empty template and one can open in that in VS Code.

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If you notice

a.      CDK template create a script which creates a cdk.App() object and this App object becomes the parent for a stack called SimpleWebServiceStack.

b.      You can see “import * as cdk from ‘@aws-sdk/core’“- cdk an alias for core module inside aws-cdk.

c.      And a SimpleWebServiceStack from lib folder – where you define your Stack and plumbing for AWS Services.

Note: AWS CDK provides the App and Stack and many-many more constructs. You may extend and customized as per your requirement. OR you can just create simple stacks which will produce the CloudFormation template at the end.

For Creating the "Customer profile service", In simple words, As a cloud developer you are supposed to create infra + application code for this service.

So I am starting with Application Code by writing AWS Lambda function for common capabilities of this service, for example

  • Creating a user in dynamoDB.
  • Get customer info from dynamoDB
  • Get All customer info from dynamoDB

Application Code - Lambda function for Creating Customer Information in DynamoDB

// File name --> save_cust_info.ts

// Get the references of AWS-SDK and DynamoDB
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const db = new AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient();
const uuidv4 = require('uuid/v4');

// handler function for Lambda Logic for creating the customer record in DyanmoDB  
export const handler = async (event: any = {}) : Promise <any> => {

  // check for valid request
  if (!event.body) {
    return {
      statusCode: 400,
      body: 'invalid request!'

  // get the table and primary key from ENV variables. 
  // Remember 12 factor app  
  const TABLE_NAME = process.env.TABLE_NAME || '';
  const PRIMARY_KEY = process.env.PRIMARY_KEY || '';
  // Parse the customer information from event 
  const customer = typeof event.body == 'object' ? 
                  event.body : JSON.parse(event.body);

  // get the Randomly generated UUID 
  customer[PRIMARY_KEY] = uuidv4();
  const params = {
    TableName: TABLE_NAME,
    Customer: customer

  // put the record in DynamoDB 
  try {
    await db.put(params).promise();
    return { 
      statusCode: 201, 
      body: '' 
  } catch (dbError) {
    return { 
      statusCode: 500, 
      body: "ERROR" 

Application - Lambda function for Getting Customer Information from DynamoDB

// File name --> get_one_cust_info.ts

// ... SAME CODE here for import

//handler function for Lambda Logic for getting customer record from DyanmoDB  

export const handler = async (event: any = {}) : Promise <any> => {

  // check for valid request
  // ... SAME CODE here 

  // get the table and primary key from ENV variables. 
  // ... SAME CODE here 

  // get the Customer ID 
  const params = {
    TableName: TABLE_NAME,
    Key: {
      [PRIMARY_KEY]: requestedCustId

  // get the record in DynamoDB 
  try {
    const response = await db.get(params).promise();
    return { 
	       statusCode: 200, 
	       body: JSON.stringify(response.customer) 
  } catch (dbError) {
  // SAME Code here 


Application Code - Creating Customer Information in DynamoDB

// Get the references of AWS-SDK and DynamoDB
// ... SAME CODE here for import

// handler for Lambda Logic for getting all customers record from DyanmoDB  

export const handler = async (event: any = {}) : Promise <any> => {

  // check for valid request
  // ... SAME CODE here 

  // get the table and primary key from ENV variables. 
  // Remember 12 factor app  
  const TABLE_NAME = process.env.TABLE_NAME || '';
  // Get the table Name	
  const params = {
    TableName: TABLE_NAME

  // get the record in DynamoDB 
  try {
    const response = await db.get(params).promise();
    return { 
	       statusCode: 200, 
     	   body: JSON.stringify(response.customers) 
  } catch (dbError) {
    // ... SAME CODE here 

All these Lambda definitions given above prepares only the functions to save or query from database but there are the other infrastructure components and plumbing between them is also REQUIRED. The picture what we have so far look like the below one.

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But we still have to do following thing so far

  • write the code for Provisioning of infrastructure components like API Gateway, DynamoDB
  • write the code for Plumbing between services like API Gateway, DynamoDB and Lambda functions
  • Also take care of Permissions between these components
That's where AWS - CDK Shine (and other CDK like tools for go-cloud for GCP ) because it gives the same language and coding practices for provisioning, plumbing and permission for Infrastructure resources .

Now lets see the code for provisioning, plumbing and permission for Infrastructure resources.

Code for provisioning

The below code creates a dynamoDB table called customers and set the primary key as "custId"

    // Create a customer table in DynamoDB
    const dynamoTable = new dynamodb.Table(this, 'customers', {
      partitionKey: {
        name: 'custId',
        type: dynamodb.AttributeType.STRING
      tableName: 'customers',

      // The default removal policy is RETAIN
      // But NOT recommended for production code
      removalPolicy: cdk.RemovalPolicy.DESTROY 

Code for plumbing (between DynamoDB table and Lambda)

Now little bit plumbing of infra code with application code. please NOTE: how lambda functions resource creation config is accepting the ENV values for table and primary key.

    // this is where Infra Code meets Application Code 
    // Get Single customer info - Lamnda Integration 
    const getSingle_cust_info_Lambda = new lambda.Function(this, 
     'getSingleCustInfo', {
     code: new lambda.AssetCode('lambda'),
      handler: 'get_one_cust_info.handler',
      runtime: lambda.Runtime.NODEJS_10_X,

     // remember 12- factor app
     environment: {
        TABLE_NAME: dynamoTable.tableName,
        PRIMARY_KEY: 'custId'

And Finally plumbing code for Permissions (for Lambda towards DynamoDB table)

    // Provide "Permisions" to Lamda Functions to execute on "dynamoDB" table

Now the similar plumbing is required for API gateway which gives capability to provide HTTP Endpoint. This Endpoint may trigger the Lambda function.

The following Infra code creates API gateway and integrate a 'customerApi' Endpoint to one lamnda function which means it triggers Lmnda at runtime. All sort of Permissions and opinionated defaults set by "Contrasts" like "LmnbdaIntegrations" behind the scene. This is the real advantage of CDK. you deal with the things like class, interface like a pure code.

  // Now create an API gateway 
  const api = new apigateway.RestApi(this, 'customerApi', {
      restApiName: 'Customer Service'

  // Create and add resource customers and do the 
  // Plumbing between LAMBDA function and API Gateway 
  const createOneIntegration = new apigateway.LambdaIntegration(create_cust_info);
  customers.addMethod('POST', createOneIntegration);

The full code for custom stack - Simple -Web-Service is GIVEN here at the GIT URL (

At this point point project structure looks like below in VSCODE -

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Now you can run the following commands to generate the cloud formation template for AWS Cloud by using this command

> cdk synth

This command will generate a cloud formation template, which will be somewhere ~700 lines. Guys 700 lines and using CDK it is just 70-80 effective lines apart from comment and spacing. Just putting a snapshot here, for you to see

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Now the the final step is deploying this stack in Cloud. You can use

> cdk deploy

So the output will show the changes, cdk is about to make to your cloud account and ask for permission confirmations.

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Here cdk deploy commands finally ask for creating these resources in your Cloud Account

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Now here it displays the final output for this Stack with ARN.

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Now we can verify in the AWS console for the created Resources in cloud Account.

API Gateway

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All IAM Permissions

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DynamoDB table customers

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Finally Lambda functions for interacting with DB

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So you may see now how beautiful it is to code for both application and infrastructure needs using same skill like typescript (JavaScript). I think cdk a great enabler for FULL STACK where application developer manage both application and infra code together.

CDK is very powerful than this and provide many - many possibilities for interesting patterns for both application and infrastructure as single deployment unit. Also can be helpful to create common constructs at Enterprise level for security, dashboard events, alerts, notification, event based communication, logging, insights, data-pipelines etc. etc.

I am looking forward to write more articles in this area. I need inputs from you guys. so please share you comments and share with others to comment.

till then Be Safe, be at home in this tough time and Happy learning!!


Ashish Verma (Lucky)的更多文章

