How to Protect Your Company from a Disaster?
Javier Ruiz Jimenez
Entrepreneur · Engineer · 3x Founder · 1x Acquired by NASDAQ Listed Co.
A failure could have serious consequences for you and your company
What if the electricity you rely on every day became more costly or unstable? That’s the nightmare scenario that we worked hard to prevent. Our systems measured, monitor, and manage the renewable electricity supply and demand. They used weather data to forecast future production and avoid any imbalances. A failure in our systems could cause blackouts, price spikes, or environmental damage. Therefore, our team had a huge responsibility for ensuring the reliability and efficiency of our systems.
However, this was not an easy task because complex systems are prone to failure. Our team was dedicated to success. We constantly improved our systems and prevented any failures that could harm the energy market and society.
Failure is a normal state of systems, as engineers we have tools and apply best practices to reduce failure but its complete elimination is not currently possible.
This article explores the factors that trigger failure, why software errors are so common, and how to avoid them by incorporating best practices and building systems with high availability by leveraging your cloud provider infrastructure.
What are the main factors for failure?
Failure is a certainty and experienced engineers embrace it and mitigate its consequences by anticipating failure and identifying the factors that could trigger it to minimize its effects.
Some of the factors that can cause failure in IT systems are:
Human error can cause failure in IT systems as evolution introduces new risks as every change can affect the functionality or stability of the system. Moreover, lack of maintenance and evolution is as dangerous because dependencies like operating systems and libraries require constant patching to be secure as new vulnerabilities are exploited every day.
Why software errors are so common?
Software development is a modern engineering discipline that has advanced very fast. Most of the failure factors and best practices are well-known, yet software and its underlying infrastructure are still often developed poorly. Why is that?
One reason is that developing software has a low barrier to entry, with free training and access to powerful hardware making the profession available to a range of people who do not necessarily have proper education on software architecture or experience building high-quality systems.
Another reason is that software development teams require specialized management and leadership to prioritize and balance functionality, requirements, cost, and engineering best practices.
A third reason is that writing documentation and testing software are not tasks that many developers are passionate about, even though they are essential for ensuring the reliability, usability, and maintainability of software products.
To avoid these pitfalls, best practices include applying consistent development methodologies, writing clear and comprehensive documentation, automating tests, and having multiple equivalent environments with updated hardware and software to test each new release and deploy using high-availability architectures.
Achieving high availability
High availability is not only desirable but essential for many IT systems in today’s world. As more industries and consumers rely on electronic systems for their daily operations and transactions, the cost of failure can be significant and damaging.
Achieving high availability is not an easy task, as it requires careful planning, design, and replication of all the components that can fail or malfunction. Therefore, it is important to evaluate the trade-offs between the benefits and costs of high availability for different types of systems and applications.
High availability is not a one-size-fits-all solution, but a complex and dynamic challenge that requires constant innovation and adaptation.
Some of the techniques for high availability are:
Obtain high availability at a fraction of the cost
Achieving high availability requires:
The public cloud has been designed with automation, redundancy, and autoscaling in mind, offering access to geographically distributed data centers and an extensive set of infrastructure as a service (IaaS) options to accommodate any need.
Cloud computing’s pay-as-you-go pricing model switches from the traditional capital expenses (CAPEX) model of the on-premises data center to an operating expenses (OPEX) model.
Companies using the cloud reduce the need for costly upfront investments while increasing the flexibility to adapt to changes in strategy and usage.
Your company can enjoy high availability by leveraging its cloud providers’ capabilities. Some examples are:
Don’t let the fear of system failure keep you awake at night. You can take control of your infrastructure and leverage the cloud to mitigate the risks and ensure high availability. The cloud offers you the tools and services you need to duplicate, decouple, automate, and optimize your system components. With the cloud, you can enjoy the benefits of lower costs, higher flexibility, and greater reliability. The cloud could be the solution for your high-availability needs.
These insights are based on Javier Ruiz Jimenez 's 20 years of experience in building and managing IT companies, developing cloud infrastructure, leading cross-functional teams, and transitioning his own company from on-premises, consulting, and custom software development to a successful SaaS (managing €2 billion per year) and selling it to a NASDAQ traded company. Javier is currently building Awarala Inc.
Are you looking for a way to transition your business to the cloud, implement a SaaS model, or increase your developers’ productivity? Contact today and get ready to take your business to the next level.