Infrared Thermometers
Stuart Gray
Director of Project HealthEngineers Pro. Clinical/Biomedical Healthcare Project Engineer
Infrared thermometers
All about infrared type thermometers.
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In the past taking a person’s temperature was slightly invasive in instances of body temperature being measured.It was achieved using contact thermometers that are placed on the forehead or in the mouth, ear, armpit or rectum. The body temperature caused mercury or colored alcohol to expand and indicate temperature on a linear calibrated scale or have a temperature sensor convert the temperature to a voltage and display the result on an analogue or digital screen. Since then there have been many developments and devices to try and make this basic function less invasive more accurate and quicker to get a reading. The tympanic is a minimal contact type instant thermometer that is placed in the ear and it provides an accurate core temperature reading. Non-contact thermometers allow a person’s temperature to be taken with minimal or zero-contact with the patient as in using an infrared thermometer sometimes called a thermometer gun. This means temperature can be measured without the discomfort of having to sit still with a thermometer in the mouth, armpit, or rectum long enough to obtain a correct temperature reading. The lack of contact also means the disinfection process between patients for the thermometers is minimal or unnecessary, allowing for easier and faster use when screening large numbers of people in settings like airports or border crossings.
The main types of non-contact thermometers are non-contact infrared thermometers, tympanic thermometers, and thermal scanners. Non-contact infrared thermometers are held normally about two to twenty cm away from the patient and typically measure temperature on the forehead or temple. Tympanic thermometers measure the thermal radiation from the tympanic membrane and within the ear canal. Handheld thermal scanners can be used to take a person’s temperature from a greater distance than other non-contact thermometers, which may make them a good candidate for use in mass screening situations. The optimal cut-off temperature for determining fever differs for each device. However, not everyone who has an infection or is infectious will have a fever. Additionally, fevers can be lowered by using antipyretic medications. In instances cosmetic makeup applied to the forehead can act as a barrier to the surface temperature and certain suntan creams with additives can result in skewed readings.
The best infrared thermometer for body temperature is a thermometer containing a laser indicator to indicate the target region and manufactured by a reliable company with experience in measuring temperatures. The laser indicates the target of the temperature being measured ad provides for greater accuracy in positioning.
The thermometer gun has become increasingly popular for taking surface temperatures from a distance – there’s no need to come into physical contact with the item or person. The use of thermometer guns has soared since the Corona-virus threat spread to all countries. Many businesses and public institutions use thermometer guns to screen large numbers of people to detect those who might be sick and running a temperature.
Thermometer guns can be highly inaccurate, mostly because of operator mistakes and also due to the mass production by opportunist companies not exercising adequate quality control and high-quality manufacturing standards. There is also the marketing and use of industrial devices for medical purposes that are not designed for medical and can result in inaccurate readings.
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