

Infrastructure refers to the fundamenta
facilities and systems
serving a country, city, or area,[1] including the services and facilities
necessary for its economy to function. [2] It typically characterises
technical structures such
as roads, bridges, tunnels, water supply , sewers, electrical grids , telecommunications, and so forth, and can be
defined as "the physical
components of
interrelated systems
providing commodities and services essential to
enable, sustain, or
enhance societal living conditions."[3] History Main article: History of infrastructure According to the Online Etymology Dictionary ,[4] the word infrastructure
has been used in English
since 1887 and in French
since 1875, originally
meaning "The
installations that form the basis for any operation or system". [5] The word was imported
from French, where it means subgrade, the native material
underneath a
constructed pavement
or railway. The word is a
combination of the Latin prefix "infra", meaning
"below", and
"structure". The military
use of the term achieved
currency in the United
States after the formation of NATO in the 1940s, and by 1970 was
adopted by urban planners in its modern civilian sense .[6] The term came to
prominence in the United States in the 1980s following the publication of America in Ruins, [7] which initiated a public-
policy discussion of the
nation's "infrastructure
crisis", purported to be
caused by decades of
inadequate investment and poor maintenance of public works . This crisis discussion contributed
to an increase in
infrastructure asset management and maintenance planning in
the US.[according to whom? ] Public-policy discussions
have been hampered by
lack of a precise
definition for
infrastructure. Definitions A 1987 US National Research Council panel adopted the term "public
works infrastructure",
referring to: The OECD also classifies
communications as a
part of infrastructure .[9] The American Society of
Civil Engineers has not
defined the term, though
issuing a US
"Infrastructure Report
Card" every 2-4 years.[10] As of 2017 they grade 16
categories, namely
Aviation, Bridges, Dams,
Drinking Water, Energy,
Hazardous Waste, Inland
Waterways, Levees, Parks & Recreation,
Ports, Rail, Roads,
Schools, Solid Waste,
Transit and Wastewater. [10]:4 Hard infrastructure refers to the physical
networks necessary for
the functioning of a
modern industrial nation.[citation needed] Soft infrastructure may refer to the institutions which are required to
maintain an economy,[11] like health, and cultural and
social standards of a
country, such as the financial system , the education system , the health care system , the system of government,
and law enforcement , as well as emergency services.[5][12] The term critical infrastructure distinguishes those
infrastructure elements
that, if significantly
damaged or destroyed,
would cause serious
disruption of a system or organization. Storm, flood, or earthquake damage leading to loss
of certain transportation
routes in a city, for
example bridges
crossing a river, that
would make it impossible for people to
evacuate, and for emergency services to operate, would be
deemed critical
infrastructure. Similarly,
an on-line booking
system might be critical
infrastructure for an airline. These elements of infrastructure are the
focus of recovery
efforts in the aftermath
of natural disasters.[citation needed] Related concepts The term infrastructure
may be confused with
the following
overlapping or related
concepts. Land improvement and land development are general terms that in
some contexts may
include infrastructure,
but in the context of a
discussion of
infrastructure would refer only to smaller
scale systems or works
that are not included in
infrastructure, because
they are typically limited
to a single parcel of land, and are owned and
operated by the land
owner. For example, an
irrigation canal that
serves a region or
district would be included with
infrastructure, but the
private irrigation
systems on individual
land parcels would be
considered land improvements, not
infrastructure. Service
connections to municipal
service and public utility
networks would also be
considered land improvements, not infrastructure. [13][14] The term public works includes government-
owned and operated
infrastructure as well as
public buildings, such as
schools and court
houses. Public works generally refers to
physical assets needed
to deliver public services. Public services include
both infrastructure and
services generally
provided by government. [citation needed] Ownership and
financing Main article: Infrastructure and
economics Infrastructure may be
owned and managed by governments or by private companies, such
as sole public utility or railway companies. Generally, most roads,
major ports and
airports, water
distribution systems and
sewage networks are
publicly owned, whereas most energy and
networks are privately owned.[citation needed] Publicly owned
infrastructure may be
paid for from taxes,
tolls, or metered user
fees, whereas private
infrastructure is generally paid for by
metered user fees.[citation needed] Major investment
projects are generally
financed by the issuance
of long-term bonds.[citation needed] Government owned and
operated infrastructure
may be developed and
operated in the private sector or in public- private partnerships , in addition to in the public sector. As of 2008 in the United States for
example, public
spending on
infrastructure has varied
between 2.3% and 3.6% of GDP since 1950.[15] Many financial institutions invest in
infrastructure . In Keynesian economics , the word infrastructure
was exclusively used to
describe public assets
that facilitate
production, but not
private assets of the same purpose. In post-
Keynesian times, the
word has grown in
popularity and has been
applied with increasing
generality to suggest the internal framework
discernible in any
technology system or business organisation.[citation needed] Uses of the term Engineering
construction Engineers generally limit the term
"infrastructure" to
describe fixed assets that are in the form of a
large network, in other
words, hard infrastructure .[citation needed] Efforts to devise more
generic definitions of
infrastructures have
typically referred to the
network aspects of most
of the structures, and to the accumulated value of
investments in the
networks as assets.[citation needed] One such definition from
1998 defined
infrastructure as the
network of assets
"where the system as a
whole is intended to be maintained indefinitely
at a specified standard of
service by the
continuing replacement
and refurbishment of its components".[16] Civil defense
and economic
development See also: Civil defense by country Civil defense planners and developmental economists generally refer to both hard and
soft infrastructure,
including public services such as schools and hospitals, emergency services such as police and fire fighting, and
basic financial services . The notion of Infrastructure-based
development combining long-term infrastructure
investments by
government agencies at
central and regional
levels with public private partnerships has proven popular among Asian,
notably Singaporean and Chinese; Mainland European; and Latin
American economists. Military Military strategists use the term infrastructure
to refer to all building
and permanent
installations necessary
for the support of
military forces, whether they are stationed in
bases, being deployed or
engaged in operations.
For example barracks,
headquarters, airfields,
communications facilities, stores of military
equipment, port
installations, and
maintenance stations.[17] Urban Urban or municipal
infrastructure refers to
hard infrastructure
systems generally
owned and operated by municipalities, such as streets, water
distribution, and sewers.
It may also include some
of the facilities
associated with soft
infrastructure, such as parks, public pools,
schools, hospitals and
libraries. Green
infrastructure Green infrastructure is a concept that highlights
the importance of the
natural environment in
decisions about land use planning.[18][19] In particular there is an
emphasis on the "life
support" functions
provided by a network
of natural ecosystems, with an emphasis on interconnectivity to support long-term sustainability. Examples include clean water and healthy soils, as well as
the more anthropocentric functions such as recreation and providing shade and shelter in and
around towns and cities.
The concept can be
extended to apply to the
management of stormwater runoff at the local level through
the use of natural
systems, or engineered
systems that mimic
natural systems, to treat polluted runoff.[20][21] Marxism In Marxism , the term infrastructure is
sometimes used as a
synonym for "base" in
the dialectic synthetic pair base and superstructure . However the Marxist
notion of base is broader
than the non-Marxist
use of the term
infrastructure, and some
soft infrastructure, such as laws, governance,
regulations and
standards, would be
considered by Marxists
to be part of the
superstructure, not the base.[22] Communications The term infrastructure
may refer to informal
and formal channels of
communication, political and social networks , or beliefs held by members
of particular groups, as
well as information technology, software development tools. Still
underlying these more
conceptual uses is the
idea that infrastructure
provides organizing
structure and support for the system or
organization it serves,
whether it is a city, a
nation, a corporation, or
a collection of people
with common interests. Examples include IT infrastructure , research infrastructure, terrorist
infrastructure and
tourism infrastructure. [citation needed] In the developing
world According to
researchers at the Overseas Development
Institute , the lack of infrastructure in many developing countries represents one of the
most significant
limitations to economic growth and achievement of the Millennium Development
Goals (MDGs). Infrastructure
investments and
maintenance can be very
expensive, especially in
such as areas as
landlocked, rural and sparsely populated
countries in Africa . It has been argued that
investments contributed
to more than half of
Africa's improved
growth performance between 1990 and
2005, and increased
investment is necessary
to maintain growth and
tackle poverty . The returns to investment in
infrastructure are very
significant, with on
average thirty to forty
percent returns for telecommunications (ICT) investments, over
forty percent for electricity generation, and eighty percent for roads.[23] Regional
differences The demand for
infrastructure, both by
consumers and by
companies is much
higher than the amount invested.[23] There are severe constraints on
the supply side of the
provision of
infrastructure in Asia.[24] The infrastructure financing
gap between what is
invested in Asia-Pacific (around US$48 billion)
and what is needed (US
$228 billion) is around US
$180 billion every year.[23] In Latin America , three percent of GDP (around US$71 billion) would
need to be invested in
infrastructure in order
to satisfy demand, yet in
2005, for example, only
around two percent was invested leaving a
financing gap of
approximately US$24 billion.[23] In Africa, in order to
reach the seven percent
annual growth
calculated to be required
to meet the MDGs by
2015 would require infrastructure
investments of about
fifteen percent of GDP, or
around US$93 billion a
year. In fragile states , over thirty-seven
percent of GDP would be required.[23] Sources of
funding The source of financing
varies significantly
across sectors. Some
sectors are dominated
by government
spending, others by overseas development
aid (ODA) , and yet others by private investors. [23] In Sub-Saharan Africa , governments spend
around US$9.4 billion out
of a total of US$24.9
billion. In irrigation , governments represent
almost all spending. In transport and energy a majority of investment is
government spending.
In ICT and water supply and sanitation, the private sector
represents the majority
of capital expenditure.
Overall, between them
aid, the private sector,
and non-OECD financiers exceed government
spending. The private
sector spending alone
equals state capital
expenditure, though the
majority is focused on ICT infrastructure
investments. External
financing increased in
the 2000s (decade) and
in Africa alone external
infrastructure investments increased
from US$7 billion in 2002
to US$27 billion in 2009. China, in particular, has emerged as an important investor.l        


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