The Informed Entrepreneur - Aug 2020
James Cracknell MSc SysPrac (Open)
Co-founder @The Weave | A Community Leader on a mission to fight Founder Burnout | Improving investor returns| Radical Optimist | Entrepreneur in Residence - Mentor | Podcast Host on Interwoven | Host People Planet Pint
Life is better when you are in the know
An Environmental Scan and Observations for the month of
August 2020
In General
Covid-19 impacts are starting to be officially recorded and announced in a bizarre sense of deja-vue, in that we have lived it and only now does it appear on the economic radar. If you weren’t sure that we have been living in a stagnant pond full of detritus, then the OECD has just confirmed it for you. With a constant sense of aghastment newspapers and the news channels pronounce how bad it is. It is as if the public, business and let’s face it, Aunt Agatha in the nursing home, hasn’t felt the chill winds of recession. Still, good to know the UK has officially outshone its rivals by being, officially, the worst of the worst according to the OECD who reported that the UK’s “20.4% contraction was well above the 9.8% drop for the 37 OECD nations as a whole” – to be that far apart from others tells us one thing, the UK is so embedded in other people’s output that we are the Global buffer.
All that aside the headlines of the month have been about civil unrest. In the US Chicago, Long Beach and finally Kenosha have all experienced large-scale damage. The “Insurance Journal” just reported a Fitch comment that civil unrest has cost the US $750million in the first half 2020, more than the pandemic. The two could undermine the insurance industry forcing them to bolster reserves and increase premiums. Instability in this sector if the pandemic worsens or civil unrest increases, will undermine many reliant on strong insurance.
UK Politics
The failures of the education system were ripped open in a brutal and unkind demonstration of how not to grade an absent paper. It was as if someone said “in this algorithm we do trust” only to be told that it was not only the paper that was absent common sense was also missing. Hell, if you went to a public school in the UK you were not destined for failure, but a comprehensive and you were aligned to the failure of others. So, add this incompetence to the Brexit talks and what do we have, a clamour of people asking where Boris has got to? It’s August but there is no excuse for a leadership holiday. At a time when we need clarity this is not the way forward leading many in the UK to question its future. Good news – the eat out to save our hospitality industry was a success. Hmmm .. a little to soon to define take up as a success – surely success should be measured in extended visits on an unsubsidised basis. Not knocking the idea because the local pub would have struggled but I question the measure of success.
Why this is important: The longer we sit in limbo the harder it is for us to set a course to recovery. The sticking plaster hurts a lot when we rip it off. How do we solve the problem of an unstable model – we address the long term not the short term. I think we are also facing a major shift in politics – a possible labour landslide could be on the cards unless we start to see some strength in the leadership and by that I don’t mean party political dogma, I mean visionary leadership. If Labour do start to recoup lost ground in a big way – by that I mean they are not just a protest vote, then the outcome could be a complete overhaul of our electoral system and the return of minority parties holding power.
US Politics
Things are heating up now – Biden’s running mate has turned the tables on a few things – the democrats have started to get angry and get roused. Their convention has seen some powerful speaking from the likes of Michele Obama and others. Trump is sinking in the polls (don’t count on that lasting) and even republicans are starting to come out of the anti-Trump closet. Can he win the 2nd term? The odds are stacking up against him but the democrats have a habit of shooting off the right foot. Also Trump has a habit of staying the distance.
Why this is important: Trump has an amazing knack of reading the political situation, and his counter speak is still resonating with the US heartland. He is a danger when it comes to democracy, but things are heating up. This may add some additional uncertainty into an already fragile market. We have lived through many elections but Trump’s rhetoric is brutal, challenging and appealing to the right.
European Politics
All change in Europe as Angela Merkel, the longest standing leader in Europe for many years, will retire at the next elections. We wish her well as she exits to her ‘house amid the forests and lakes of the Uckermark,’ to listen to Wagner and the simple delights of cooking. What this leaves behind is uncertainty as the ruling CDU may end up in coalition with the Greens. We are still away from this but it does confirm a new found green agenda which will stimulate further investment into sustainability and support any party that adopts a similar set of beliefs.
Why this is important: Merkel goes – so does a whole load of experience. The German Franco power axis has always favoured Germany with Merkel at the helm, now it could be the chance for Macron to step up, the axis could move back to the forceful French. Power shifts will play a big part in future UK to European relationships. Macron could well be a warmer player than a German outsider.
Fragile is the best way of describing things – there are pockets of delight but overall, it’s a brutal mix of negativity and looming challenges. I am still an optimist that we can respond but we have some very big questions to answer as the World appears polarised by national interests. On the wider stage we are unable to influence the bozos in control, all we can do at the micro level is make sure that the business model is still functioning. School openings, vital if we are to educate our young (hold on, there are other ways, unpalatable maybe but likely to be on the cards if this continues) will increase the infamous R number and make all economies flirt with the nuclear option of another national lockdown. Or – it may be a case of ‘carry on’ because we have no choice – either way expect staff pressures to continue. Trade talks continue between UK and US and Europe – the ‘red-line’ is shifting and we at times appear closer. There will be a trade deal, that I am sure, but it feels less attractive than we would like.
As an aside – I love this article from The Economist where those clever people at Goldman Sachs have calculated the economic value of a face mask being $56.14. Why then doesn’t the government simply give them away? It must be the investment of the year!
UK Economy
I am a firm believer that despite slow growth inflation will come through so the fact that public sector net debt stands at over 100% of GDP, and has topped £2 trillion (big numbers!) increasing by £200 billion since April, only makes me feel more confident in that view. We are devaluing money – maybe not yet but certainly in the future. If money is less valuable the things, we buy must take more of the money to buy them. Inflation is also being stocked by the supply chain – I just don’t think we are seeing it all yet, but we will, we are heading to a perfect storm of price pressure. Net effect why own fixed debt – makes no sense and with commercial property about to suffer a revaluation where will the money go? My guess is Art and startups, especially innovative ones that focus on new low-touch business model.
What we can surmise – turbulence is on the horizon – pension income could be at risk as funds are asked to buy debt at a sub-inflation yield. The initial threat is to the yield curve as people switch from ultra-long yields to shorter ones. The distortion will make things uncomfortable for investment managers but may well yield opportunities for other asset classes.
Social Trends
More anxiety over school openings means that many are being forced to believe in the Government line and those who espouse the view that the contagion factor remains low. As a grandparent I find the whole thing confusing and daunting as we are asked to collect the young ones from the school gates in a socially distanced way.
I don’t know about you but I like the cashless society – an interesting article in Forbes explores what it means but you have to believe that it will be the ultimate consequence of Covid19, a legacy that will increase tax takes and limit the black economy. It must mean that society will function differently as even the most unsophisticated will have to grapple with acquiring a bank account. The challenge is how do we not alienate people?
Tech stocks, especially big tech, is being bought and continues to underpin the stock market recovery. This month Trump called a meeting of the top tech CEO’s – all the major players were there but also a name not many had heard of. Palantir Technologies is on the verge of a major IPO, a tech business with a major finger in the Government pie including the CIA. It is just about to announce the terms of its deal and will occupy many of the headlines, especially if the market shows signs of rejection on price. One to keep an eye on as sentiment for the whole sector could be driven by the performance of this event.
Health innovation and educational innovation are showing signs of gathering steam, not simply from a tech perspective but also in the overall way in which we deliver outcomes and the customer journey. On that note Lancaster University has just announced a health innovation centre - demonstrating a commitment to see this sector flourish.
Innovate UK grants are causing some successes in the region including windfarm but also some Cambridge tech in the VR space.
The Weave is committed to supporting the local start-up and entrepreneurial ecosystem throughout this most turbulent of times. If you are interested in how we can help businesses become far more innovative, gain support and be apart of a community then contact us at [email protected] or join our community by following the company page
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4 年Reassuring to read that the author is pleased that we have fared so badly. At least one person is happy.