Information Search AND Product LifeCycle
Are you witnessing a famine in the finances of your company? It could be that your product price is losing the price war with its competitors or the product functionality has reached the end of its natural life time. The customer will always do an information search after getting a quotation from you and there are certain keywords that he will use in order to get a price feature rating. Those keywords relate to the state of the art technology. The anomaly about this is that competition is so cutthroat for the most recent technological developments. So you may end up doing a lot of ingenious work for peanuts which may subsequently lead you into debt when customers get picky about your quality of service. In fact it is a known fact that for ego reasons practically every customer will refuse to give a seal of approval upon completion of the project. This is why in a third of countries worldwide it is impossible to complete a contract without paying a bribe. Paying a bribe is so much like two other cultural practices: That of getting a gift for cooperation in facilitating the progress of the project and that of offering a sacrifice to God for causing you to prosper in your business venture and getting His approval to proceed. As you can see either of these two practices are healthy cultural practices. But there's a thin line between a bribe and a gift or a sacrifice. This is the fragile nature of the concept of Corruption so rife in our society's modern day vocabulary. This is because people that receive such gifts may come to expect it as a right.