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A good CRM tool will help your business keep track of customers by sharing key customer data across your core divisions (sales, marketing, customer service and finance). It helps you stay on top of sales by developing longer, more personal, and more profitable relationships with customers. It will also enhance your marketing efforts by automating marketing tasks for lead nurturing and lead management
With the right CRM solution, a business can sell more of its products to existing customers and better manage the business so that future customers will not be lost to inefficiencies.
When you have reached the point where you have evaluated your CRM requirements (if you would like help with this task, please contact me on the details below), the next step is finding the right partner/provider.
Here are three things to bear in mind when choosing a CRM partner:
1. Do they have an outstanding existing customer profile? - Look at vendors who have worked with companies and industries that are similar to yours. Also consider the types of CRM solutions this vendor offers. Is it a niche solution or more of a flexible solution which can be customised to fit all types of businesses? You’ll want a vendor who can match your specific needs.
2. Do they walk the walk? – Please ensure the team you select have real world experience as far as CRM implementation is concerned. They should not only have the ability to explain CRM mechanics but also help to aid the cultural/behavioral change required to engage with the tool daily. As our website says, “we really get it”, having the real-world experience our competitors don’t.
3. Do they offer commercial stability? – the CRM software market is currently going through significant change due to artificial intelligence and machine learning. There are new entrants emerging all the time and despite their innovative approaches, it’s important to consider the value of a longer term established partner.
It’s very easy to get caught up in the noise surrounding CRM tools and what they can offer. But it doesn’t have to be difficult. To find out how City Dynamics ticks all three boxes, working collaboratively with you to tailor our solutions to your needs, drop me a line at [email protected].