Website & Android App Developer at KIIGA-SOFT TECHNOLOGIES- Fresh Graduate Makerere University BBA (Procurement)
The round door handle.
Simply because these door handles probably kill an uncounted number of people every year because they cannot be opened in an emergency by anyone with a weakened grip, wet or greasy hands, small hands, by someone who is semi-conscious from smoke inhalation…. the list goes on.
I have removed all round door handles from my property, I encourage you to do the same, you never know when you may need to open the door when you are on your knees and you sure as heck won’t be able to do so with one of these.
Edit: The point is: the reason you will not be able to open the round door knob when you really need to is that you are in a life threatening situation.
Eg: you were deep frying in your kitchen, the frying blew up in your face and you need to get out of the room and shut the door to contain the fire and call fire services. You are blinded with hot grease, covered in same, the room is filling with smoke and you can't get that door open because you can't get a grip on the round door knob ….
Vancouver Banned Doorknobs. Good.
Edit 3: there’s a good solution to most of the door knob danger issue: simply have a lever handle on the inside of your exit doors. Eg inside your bedroom, inside your bathroom and inside the front and back doors.
For those with smart pets you can get lockable levers which are easier to open than a round knob.
A local new school building has this arrangement and it seems extremely smart.
(Edit 2: This answer was collapsed because someone alleged I have affiliations regarding this answer which I haven't declared.
I didn't declare any because I don't have any.
I'm not engaged in lawsuits re door knobs, nor do I have shares in a door knob company or anything else that I can imagine regarding this baseless allegation.
Thank you to the moderators for uncollapsing (is that really a word?) my answer.) ?