Information, Facts, Randomness where it takes Us ??

Information, Facts, Randomness where it takes Us ??

In nature randomness , chaos forms a beautiful pattern , repeated pattern which are called fractals . But in our head this chaos of information facts randomness where it takes us ? lets play a game . lets call it a thinking game !!! think of all recent finding , enlightenment, facts, theories and knowledge you can think of write it on a paper or pad. Now try to connect the dot where it takes you. Scratch that part of brain where everything is connected to everything else ... Where one take random though process and try to find how it connect. Because you know what they say It's only when we're lost, that we're found.

"I think of the future as branching probability stream"

-Elon Musk

Our brain stores memories in the form of electrical impulses. It's just data like any other. What if rather then a person we can find a way to send our memories back to our past-self. It's more like consciousness hopping than time traveling ... imagine that :) .. there are so many scenarios with time ... What a mystery it is !!!

The universe has a beginning but no end "INFINITE" , The star too have the beginning but there own power lead it to there destruction "FINITE" , History dictates that its the wise who are more foolish ...

It’s curious. All of you seem to embrace a very entrenched concept of time.Contrary to your beliefs, time is not a river flowing from past to future in an inexorable current.

For example, let’s say, I go back in time and kill somebody we’ll call "A".Doing so will lead to an alteration. And the world line will shift to a universe without "A".When a world line shifts, people’s memories are changed accordingly.So memories of the world in which "A" continued to exist are nullified, overwritten with memories of the world line in which his life was cut short by my actions.

Often times the most enigmatic feature of the universe counts themselves in the most common place. Hmmm like human-eye for galaxies and tree for time.... connection-connection !!! Why do I insist on denying the evidence of my own senses ?? ...

While the parts change, the whole always remains the same. For every thief who departs this world, a new one is born.And every decent person who passes away is replaced by a new one. In this way not only does nothing remain the same but also nothing ever really changes.

What a magical universe we live in !!! In all this chaos , we still somehow find harmony ... there is this craziness and madness that even science, math and physics cant explain ... simple elementary phenomena that there is infinity b/w

1....(infinity) ...2 ,

0.1.... (infinity) ...0.2,

0.01 ...(infinity)...0.0(infinity) 2 and then there is simple and

- infinity ..... 0 ...... + infinity

are these infinities are chaos ??? what UNIVERSE lies b/w

1 .... (infinity) ... 2 (b/w any two number)

In all this chaotic journey from 1 to abyss of unknown never ending (infinity) ... when it reach its destination (God knows how) i.e 2 (its harmony again) !!!what a truck load of madness ... and its just the gap/chaos/Universe/mystery b/w two innocent number's finite number that contain unexplained-infinity within !!!

In all above chaos of making sense . Is it all make sense ? Things most people see as chaos actually follows subtle laws of behavior ? Did you find any behavior or pattern ?

Madness ? Knowledge ? Enlightenment ... what is this ? Can anyone explain this human construct ? As human's we rarely notice things that are right in-front of our eyes ....


