Information Blind Spot
The person who says he knows what he thinks but cannot express it usually doesn't know what he thinks.
- Mortimer J Adler
And trust me – the person the author pointed towards – was me!
My friends, I won't be wrong if I say that there is a huge difference between knowing something and expressing or applying it appropriately.?
To know something, you just have to make one click and all the information falls on your plate.
But the real challenge is digesting it, putting that information into our behavior.
Which takes practice, repetition, and most importantly- application in the real situation.?
But unfortunately, sometimes we forget this difference and show staggering confidence in what we have read, heard, or watched. And fall flat on our face when it comes time to implement it.
So, almost all my life, I was an excessive thinker.
Once a thought stuck in my head, I couldn’t stop myself thinking about it again and again.I would literally hear a voice of the creature. It was so there that I named it MOJO JOJO.
MOJO JOJO was like a monkey on a hot tin roof. He would jump from one thought to another, hang on the same issue for the entire day, and would make irritating noises in my head.
He was out of control. And I wanted to get rid of him.
So, to find a solution, I did what we usually do these days - went on YouTube.
And I typed “How to stop excessive thinking?”
The moment I typed, YouTube unrolled the carpet of thousands of suggestions at me, saying “Bhai hai tum mera”, take whatever you want.?
I found it a bit difficult to decide which video to pick, since all the videos are like, "Click on me, click on me."
But I'm a sensible person. I chose wisely.
So after comparing the number of views, comments and subscribers. I choose the video of the most---- beautiful girl.
Now, don’t judge me!
So, what I can't pick a date, at least I can pick a video.
Then the video started. Wait a sec 3 2 1, skip - now!
Seeing her face for a moment I forgot why I had come there for. I was like - say whatever you want to say I am going to hear you anyway.
No wonder why you have so many likes on your video.
Then she began with a few questions.
Her: Are you addicted to excessive thinking??
Me: Yes
Her: Does it keep you awake all night?
Me: Yes
Her: Are you looking for an effective solution?
Me: Are haa Bhai haa!
Her: Alright! Here are three easy steps that will vanish your problem in secs.
First, notice when you are thinking too much.
Second, challenge your thoughts
Third, focus on Active problem solving. That’s it! That’s all you have to do.
See you in the next video, Goodbye!
I was like- that's it? That’s all I have to do?
Seems like not a bigger deal. I can do it easily. I guess, now I know what I have to do when I encounter the excessive thinking.?My head will finally be at peace now.
And the MOJO JOJO was like?- Ha ha you dumb!?
These videos are designed to give you an instant motivation.The motivation stays for a while and fades away.?They rarely tell you that it is going to take a laborious process of practicing it every day for a month, otherwise no one will watch it.
I also overlooked this fact and fell into the illusion that I knew how to deal with the excessive thoughts without even working on it.
So, after that, one day, when I was on my way to my friend’s home.
Suddenly, from nowhere in the midway MOJO JOJO appeared.
He came flying over my head and uttered - "hey buddy did you close the backdoor of your house?"
I said, yes
Mojo Jojo: Are you sure??
Me: May be not.
Mojo Jojo: In that case go back.?
Me: I’m not going back! I have closed the door and I will not let you control me- go away!
I thought he disappeared. But no, few moments later?again.
Mojo Jojo: Hey buddy, go back! See thieves breaking in to your house!
Me: Stop scaring me Mojo Jojo!
Mojo Jojo: See, they are stealing your laptop!
Me: Stop MOJO JOJO just stop!?
Mojo Jojo: They getting away with it!
Me: Alright! Alright! Alright! Just cut it off! And allow me think clearly.
But first let me relax my mind.?
After taking a break, I remembered the video that saw on "how to conquer overthinking" .So, let’s remind.What she'd said in that video?
First, notice when you are overthinking
Me:Yes, I’m doing it now.
Second, challenge your thoughts.
OK, Challenging my thoughts!
But how?
Third, focus on active problem solving.
Yes, But how??
Nothing came to my mind that instant. As I had never practiced those instructions on day to day basis. And Mojo Jojo Dominated again.
In this information age, where all the information are available with just one click.We are blessed.?But is this blessing help or hindrance???
Our curious mind may like to consume information at lightning-fast speed, but what about its application?
Don't we see a big loop hole there?
This is the prime reason why we are always confused.?
But just for a change, instead of picking sea of information, if we pick just necessary information and practice it or imprint it in our behavior.
I believe that would be more beneficial for our growth.