Information about Bhagwan Shri Krishna
Information about Bhagwan Shri Krishna
1) Krishna was born 5252 years ago?
2) Date of Birth : 18th July,3228 B.C
3) Month : Shravan
4) Day : Ashtami
5) Nakshatra : Rohini
6) Day : Wednesday
7) Time : 00:00 A.M.
8) Shri Krishna lived 125 years, 08 months & 07 days.
9) Date of Death : 18th February 3102BC.
10) When Krishna was 89 years old; the Mega War (Kurukshetra War) took place.?
11) He died 36 years after the Kurukshetra War.?
12) Kurukshetra War was started on Mrigashira Shukla Ekadashi, BC 3139. i.e "8th December 3139BC" and ended on "25th December, 3139BC".??
13) There was a Solar Eclipse between "3p.m to 5p.m on 21st December, 3139BC"; cause of Jayadrath's death.
14) Bhishma died on 2nd February (First Ekadasi of the Uttarayana), in 3138 B.C.
15) Krishna?is worshipped as:
(a) Krishna Kanhaiyya : In Mathura
(b) Jagannath : In Odisha
(c) Vithoba : In Maharashtra
(d) Srinath : In Rajasthan
(e) Dwarakadheesh : In Gujarat
(f) Ranchhod: In Gujarat
(g) Krishna : In Udupi, Karnataka
(h) Guruvayurappan : In Kerala
16) Biological Father: Vasudeva
17) Biological Mother: Devaki
18) Adopted Father: Nanda
19) Adopted Mother: Yashoda
20) Elder Brother: Balaram
21) Sister: Subhadra
22) Birth Place: Mathura
23) Wives: Rukmini, Satyabhama, Jambavati, Kalindi, Mitravinda, Nagnajiti, Bhadra, Lakshmana
24) Krishna is reported to have Killed only 4 people in his life time.?
(i) Chanoora ; the Wrestler
(ii) Kansa ; his Maternal Uncle
(iii) & (iv) Shishupaala and Dantavakra ; his Cousins.?
25) Life was not fair to him at all.?
His Mother was from Ugra Clan, and Father from Yadava Clan, - an inter-racial marriage.?
26) He was born dark-skinned.?
He was not named at all throughout his life.?
The whole village of Gokul started calling him the black one - Kanha.?
He was ridiculed and teased for being black, short and adopted too.?
His childhood was wrought with life threatening situations.
27) 'Drought' and "threat of wild wolves" made them shift from 'Gokul' to 'Vrindavan' at the age 9.
28) He stayed in Vrindavan till 10 years and 8 months.?
He killed his own uncle at the age of 10 years and 8 months at Mathura.
He then released his biological mother and father.?
29) He never returned to Vrindavan ever again.
30) He had to migrate to Dwaraka from Mathura due to threat of a Sindhu King - Kala Yaavana.
31) He defeated 'Jarasandha' with the help of 'Vainatheya', Tribes on Gomantaka Hill (now Goa).
32) He rebuilt Dwaraka.?
33) He then left to Sandipani's Ashram in Ujjain to start his schooling at age 16~18.?
34) He had to fight the Pirates from Afrika and rescue his Teacher's son – Punardatta, who was kidnapped near Prabhasa, a sea port in Gujarat.?
35) After his education, he came to know about his Cousin's fate of Vanvas.?
He came to their rescue in ''Wax house'' and later his Cousin's got married to Draupadi.?
His role was immense in this saga.?
36) Then, he helped his Cousin's establish "Indraprastha" and their Kingdom.
37) He saved Draupadi from embarrassment.
38) He stood by his Cousin's during their exile.
39) He backed them and guided them to win the "Kurushetra War."*
40) He saw his cherished city, "Dwaraka" washed away.?
41) He was killed by a hunter (Jara, by name) in the nearby forest.?
42) He never performed any miracles.?
His life was not a successful one.?
There was not a single moment when he was at peace throughout his life.?
At every turn, he had challenges and even more bigger challenges.?
43) He faced everything and everyone with a sense of responsibility and yet remained unattached.
44)?He is the only person, who knew the past and future; yet he lived at that present moment, always.
45) He and his life is truly *an example for every human being.
?Jai Shri Krishna*??
Note:- Infromation is from Internet.
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1 年There are certain amount of wrong things are written, if u don't know, then pls don't tell people about ur own thoughts just to get fame.?
Realty Advisor & Prof of Spiritual Science.
1 年33) His teacher Sandipani Rishi's son was killed by a demon. Lord brought him from the abode of death(Yamaraj) & made him alive to please His teacher. 39) Lord Himself wanted to submerge Dwarka before going to His supreme abode Vaiku??ha. He made the plans to do the needful. 40) He never died. I wrote this matter above in *point no. 9.* 41) He is always successful in all His attempts. Success is at His divine lotus feet. *All His actions are divine miracles.* *People are spreading lot of Fake info about the Supreme Almighty God Shri Krishna.* *Please don't spread such _FAKE INFO_ about the Supreme Almighty God Shri Krishna by giving the title name - "Excellent info about Shri Krishna."* Don't even forward such info about the Supreme Lord. *_To know the truth about the Supreme Almighty God Shri Krishna, please read:-_ Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam, Shri Brahma Vaivarta Purana, Padma Purana, Vishnu Purana, Rigveda, Atharva Veda, Mahabharata & other authentic Vedic Literatures. _But please don't spread the fake info about the Supreme Lord._* Hare Krishna?? Jai Shri Krishna?? With best regards, Kersi Mehta.
Realty Advisor & Prof of Spiritual Science.
1 年12) Kurukshetra war started on Margashira Shukla Ekadashi which is celebrated as Gita Jayanti Day, but *do not use the Christian dates for the same, since Christian Calendar didn't exist that time.* 12) *There was no solar eclipse* when Jayadrath was killed by Arjun. *Shri Krishna covered the Sun with His divine mystic power.* (This is clearly mentioned in Mahabharata) 13) Bhisma Pitamaha left His body on Makara Sankranti day. 23) Shri Krishna killed many demons & not just 4. When He was an infant, He killed demoness Putana, then Aristasura, Aghasura, Bakasura & many others. 25) *Shri Krishna's beauty is glorified* by Lord Brahma, Lord Shiva & other exalted Godly personalities. He is not dark. He is Ghanashyam means having the colour of monsoon clouds. Also His beauty is described as "Kandarpa koti kamaniya vishesha shobham" means *His beauty excels even the beauty of thousands of cupids.* 26) Since many demons were sent by Kamsa to attack Gokul, they shifted to Vrindavan. Not due to threat of wolves & drought. 30) Shri Krishna single handedly defeated Jarasandh 17 times on battlefield. (Contd below)
Realty Advisor & Prof of Spiritual Science.
1 年*Corrections of FAKE infos/mistakes in your "Information about Bhagwan Shri Krishna," post:-* 1) Krishna was *not born.* He *appeared* from the heart of Mother Devaki, 5,534 years ago. That time there was *no* Christian Calendar. So better *not to use* such dates. 2) Date of Appearance: 3515 BC (more than five thousand years ago). 3) Month: Bhadrapad 4) Day: Ashtami 5) Nakshatra: Rohini 6) Day: Budhwar (Wednesday) 7) Time: 12 midnight 8) Shri Krishna was personally present on this planet for exactly 125 years. 9) *He never died.* Due to curse of Vali's wife to Lord Ram, His previous incarnation, He did a drama of dying by creating His mystical body by His yogic power. After this incident, He left this earth planet in His own divine spiritual body. There is no difference between His atma & His body. That is spiritual body. His body is not a material body like we have. That's why He was not actually born but He appeared. Also He never died, although He acted like dying for fulfilling the curse of Vali's wife. 10) When Shri Krishna was 100+, He was looking like a sixteen years old youth in the mega war at Kurukshetra. 11) He never died. I already wrote above in *point no. 9.* (Contd - below)