Information - Basic Component of the Universe

Information - Basic Component of the Universe

Apparently, the basic components of the universe are four: space, time, matter and energy. In reality, they are only three: energy, information and matter. In the beginning, there were only two: 1) The raw, dark, rarefied, uniformly scattered and transparent elementary ENERGY, and 2) The INFORMATION – created and implemented by a super intelligent and powerful CREATOR. Space is not a basic component, because it has not a physical participation in everything that exists, as they have energy and information; it is only the absolutely empty, cold, dark infinite "warehouse", totally indifferent and non-participative in its content. And Time does not exist physically, but only as a concept invented to measure the duration of systems, things and phenomena. 3) With the help of information, the Creator has concentrated part of the raw elementary energy in the third basic component: MATTER, and using the UNIVERSAL LAW OF ORGANIZATION - the primordial law of nature - He created all systems, thighs and phenomena in which they are engaged, together with the laws of nature that coordinate them. Information is the mysterious basic component that we discover in everything that exists, from the relatively simple structures of atoms to the most complex living world. Mathematics is not invented, it is easy to discover in reality. If one flower has three petals and another has five, it is obvious that the numbers three and respectively five were physically included in the growth instructions encoded in the DNA of these flowers. In the same way, snail shell develops in the form of a special spiral according to the formula of Fibonacci string of numbers. All digits, numbers, formulas, equations, etc. used to describe the real world exist physically. According to the law of causality, these codified instructions cannot be born and implemented by chance; they are the effect of a will, of an intentional action thought out in advance, the result of a Supper Intelligent Design. The entire universe has a perfect logical structure and evolution. Created according to the natural Universal Law of Organization its systems, things and phenomena are also perfect, they achieve their objective without mistakes, with minimum resources and maximum efficiency. #universe, #universecomponents, #information, #universallawoforganization, #space, #time, #energy, #matter, #physics


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