Inform before classifying borrowers fraudulent

Inform before classifying borrowers fraudulent

Dear Readers,

A banker once recounted an incident to me when as a young officer he went to a dairyman’s house in the night with a tempo and a few workers. The officer wanted to seize the buffaloes of the defaulting dairyman tied in the courtyard to recover the bank’s dues. The dairyman resisted and it wasn’t easy seizing the buffaloes, forcing the officer to return empty-handed. But after the whole drama, the shaken dairyman went to the bank branch the next morning and promised to repay his dues. Before this, the dairyman was not even responding to bank notices and correspondence. Such dramatic interventions, though effective in this instance, are now constrained by modern regulations. Recovery remains an inherent risk in lending, with bankers often walking a fine line between enforcement and compliance. The business of lending is fraught with challenges, reminiscent of Shylock’s proverbial pound of flesh.

While there are recalcitrant borrowers, the nuisance of recovery agents has not ended despite several rules and regulations in place. Often the recovery agents abuse the borrowers and malign them in front of the society. From YV Reddy (who framed rules to stop recovery agent nuisance) to Shaktikanta Das, RBI governors have taken enough measures to curb the abuse of the recoveries and streamline the resolutions.

The RBI framework

This week the RBI released an additional framework to the master direction of fraud and risk framework for financial institutions. The central bank wants lenders to focus on natural justice before declaring a borrower a fraud. Generally, from the date of default on repayment, banks initiate a resolution process after 90 days with the borrower. They can declare him a defaulter, fraud, etc, or whatever process they initiate. Now the RBI is saying that the defaulting borrower should be given a 21-day notice before declaring him a fraud. This decision has been taken citing a Supreme Court verdict in a case, which ruled that there are civil as well as criminal ramifications of declaring someone a fraud and hence the defaulter borrower should be given a notice before tagging him as a fraud.

Generally, if the borrower doesn't make a repayment for 90 days, banks begin the recovery process. But in most of the cases liquidation takes precedence over resolution. My observation here is that in individual cases banks recover their dues with interest because individual's mortgaged assets like homes fetch decent value. But in commercial cases, bankers take a big haircut under liquidation. There have been a number of corporate cases in the recent past such as Videocon where the haircut has been over 90 percent.

Whether the 21-day window will make a difference we don't know, but if the borrower knows in advance that after 21 days the bank will blacklist him, it may be of help if the customer is genuine and the default is situational.

Bank recoveries

Lenders often favour asset liquidation over one-time settlements (OTS) or thorough case reviews. The incentives for recovery agents, driven by commissions and kickbacks, further complicate the process, which should be looked into.

A few years back, someone had contacted me knowing I was in the media. He wanted my help in a case where the borrower lost his life in an accident and his wife with two kids was struggling to convince recovery agents and banks but to no avail. I think, with the rise of digital, banks have built systems to find out whom to offer loans to and how much to offer. They should also put systems in place to find out why someone is defaulting. Should their conduct be different for the borrower who has defaulted because of the situation than someone who is doing it intentionally? Now the RBI has asked banks to adhere to the Supreme Court verdict, which talks about natural justice, and inform the borrowers before classifying them as fraudulent.

In the world of fraud

Banks must use digital tools and investigate the reasons behind fraud. The RBI has broadened the guidelines and strengthened the processes to eliminate fraud and risks in the system. The central bank has streamlined and focussed on various structures. It has asked banks and financial institutions to upgrade their systems and made banks put in place systems for early detection of frauds like Early Warning Signals (EWS) and Red Flagging of Accounts (RFAs). Also, the RBI wants banks to take responsibility. The master direction clearly states that banks should constitute a special committee of the board, which will be monitored by the board. Along with this, the EWS and RFA should be implemented and the committee should monitor it. Such policies should be reviewed by the board every three years. Apart from the company frauds, if there are individual fraud cases, they should be reported within 14 days. The RBI has asked institutions to take the responsibility for such instances.

Loans and frauds, the other sideFraud is the biggest threat to the banking world today. Advances on balance sheet, forex transactions, deposits, cash, and cheques, there are a huge number of ways where borrowers have duped the banks intentionally. Now in the world of digital, hackers and scamsters also pose a big risk for banks. The IT system has to be robust and strong. But apart from this, I also believe that banks should tweak policies for marketing and selling loans. Just because they have data of customers and they understand the spending history of the customer they should not disburse loans like water. Remember, more than 75 percent of iPhones sold in India are bought on credit. Of course, it is a great business, but are banks aware that someone may have taken a loan only because he or she was enticed after reading dozens of messages peddling loans? Does someone taking credit really need it? There are enough data points, but ultimately had the officer who went in the night to seize the buffaloes known that the dairyman would default, he would have never lent. Currently, all the data points are about history, we don't have accuracy over future predictions. We can't have that. Hence, banks will have to go judiciously. The new-age loans are all about aspirations. Because what they lose is money but what customers lose is their respect in society, which no one wants. That's why the Supreme Court referred to a Constitutional right while mentioning natural justice.

This week the market surged to new record highs with the benchmark index Sensex crossing 81,000 and the Nifty at 24000. The finance ministry’s traditional ‘halwa' ceremony before the Budget took place at North Block in Delhi this week. This week we filed a number of stories on the Union Budget and will hold a live show on the Budget on July 23 after the finance minister presents it. Block your calendar and click here to join.

1. How the Insurance Act, 1938 is evolving? 10 major proposed changes explained

2. Banks to drive earnings growth as Nifty firms enter slow lane in Q1

3. ">We do not want to be a loan junkie but a full-service provider: Kotak Mahindra Bank

4. Why are banks raising rates ahead of RBI monetary policy meet?

5. Focus on cross-border payment solutions with ambition of listing, says Niyo CEO

Happy Reading,

Amol Dethe





