[email protected]
Matt Stockman
Pillar Media Brand Director, Founder of Nonprofit Launch Plan. Radio Talent/Programming Coach, Fundraising Coach
In the last year, more times than I have fingers to count the times, I have attempted to use a business's "contact us" page, or the information email address listed on their website (typically [email protected]) to inquire about a number of different things.
Guess how many responses I've recieved?
(correct - one.)
The requests I've made or questions I've asked have been simple: stuff like scheduling a haircut, making a reservation, asking about some insurance related stuff, etc. Never heard back one time.
What's even more bananas is that on at least 5 or 6 occasions (and I am not exaggerating), I've reached out to a business for information about how to contract their services or buy their product, or make a donation. Crickets. (I'm a hot lead that wants to give you money, and you don't respond?)
The most bananas of all? A few months back I was preparing to spend well into 6 figures (NOT counting the decimal point) in marketing budget, and I reached out to 4 agencies via their website (at the suggestion of the copy on their website), to inquire about a meeting to discuss, and got 1 response. Nothing from the the other 3.
Guess who got the business?
If you have an [email protected] email, or a CONTACT US page on your site with an embedded form, stop reading this and right away, go do 2 things.
Your next major gift or significant account could be trying to ask for more information right now.