Influential Elements of "The Walk"
Kimberly Artley
Founder, PackFit Dog Training & Behavior | Author | Mentor | Freelance Writer
"The Walk" is one of the most common pain points and struggles we work with. It's reflective of a number of things, and is also an opportunity to instill and reinforce a number of things.?
*The Walk is a conversation.*
It's a conversation with ourselves, our dogs, and the world around us. It also starts inside the home, long before we set foot outside the home.
The Walk is one of THE most important things we can do for our dogs *on the daily*, and also one of the most neglected (especially here in America).
Yes, it provides dogs with an outlet to expend physical energy (which will vary from dog to dog), but it's also an opportunity to...
??to build and strengthen trust, bond, and relationship with their human,
??for the human to raise their level of relevance,
??to develop healthy and positive associations with the world around them,?
??to explore all their senses,
??build level of confidence,
...and much, much more.
There's a significant amount of information we can garner simply by watching someone on a walk with their dog. It's incredibly reflective.?
Many of the problematic behaviors that develop in our dogs do so through frustration and boredom (it's really, really hard being a "pet" dog in the US o fA!). Frustration from lack of a sufficient energy outlet and their needs (as a dog) going unmet, and boredom from not enough mental challenge (obedience and brain training, problem solving). Many dogs can oftentimes get too much of both, without balancing it out with durational work ("place"). So much that dogs don't know what to do or how to be without constant stimulation and engagement.
"Behavior" is beautifully complex and layered with various contributing ingredients; but stepping up to meet this one need has the potential to touch on (and satisfy) *a lot* of points ... when executed correctly. Remember, The Walk is also a conversation; and one in which many people are sending a great deal of mixed messaging and signals.?
On April 28th, we launch our "10 Day 'Walk Like A Boss' Challenge". The condensed version of our full online course, "Walk Like A Boss."
We're offering a special pre-launch price of just **$49** until this Friday, April 7th. After this, the price increases by $10 each week up until the 28th.?
Heading out for the Walk isn't just a matter of hooking a dog up to any ol' apparatus and getting it on (this is why so many struggle!). In the Challenge, we'll cover...
??the language of the leash (there's, very much, a language that needs to be created using the leash!),?
??finding the most appropriate walking gear for the *individual dog* (THIS MATTERS),?
??understanding the state of mind part of the equation (HUGE piece of the puzzle),
??how space impacts our individual dog and how to use it to our advantage (a big deal in the canine mind),?
??what we can do to build the dog's level of trust and confidence in us (what we represent to them will determine how they feel being under our guidance and lead),?
...and more.
While we can't promise perfection as there are other ingredients in play outside our realm of influence, we *can* promise definite and absolute improvement if this information is taken to heart and there's consistent, steadfast application.
It's Spring time... the *perfect* time to start working on your dog walking woes so you can both enjoy these sun-sparked days!
Join the Challenge now, and get a jump start with the Pre-Challenge Prep Work??
Join us here:?