“Influencer marketing is a form of social media marketing involving endorsements and product placement from influencers, people and organizations that have a purported expert level of knowledge or social influence in their field.”
To highlight “people and organizations who have a ‘PURPORTED’ expert level of knowledge or social influence in their field” – not all do.
So, let us begin this post with some clarity - there are influencers and there are influencers.
What do I mean??
Well, there are those who are authentic, the ones who know their subject and trade and product, and there are those who will tell you any old holey to get you to buy something or follow a path that leads you nowhere at the very least and into trouble at the very worse, all whilst making themselves a whole lot of money.
The former seek to inform and lead you to something of use and worthy of purchase, not only for purchase sake but because they know and believe in and use what they are sharing with us, whilst the later do not care a hoot what they do, highlight and/or promote to you, because its all about fame and fortune.
Let me repeat that:
The former seek to inform and lead you to something of use and worthy of purchase, not only for purchase sake but because they know and believe in and use what they are sharing with us, whilst the later do not care a hoot what they do, highlight and/or promote to you, because its all about fame and fortune.
Over recent years there has been a rise in the number of ‘so called ‘influencers’ that have been flagged up as no more or less than blaggers - those who mislead - one who is in the news at the moment is being held for appalling charges against women. This particular ‘so called’ influencer has over 4 million followers on one social media channel alone.
How do they become so popular you may wonder??
Why is it that people fall for their hype?
The how is in the why - because many are seeking easy ways of making money and/or products that will help them loose weight in a day and/or look 10 years younger through the application of a cream, lotion or potion.
People are looking for answers to the impossible and are therefore ripe for being led astray. It’s a kind of co-dependency - an unhealthy one!
Let us be clear - there are some fantastic influencers who speak with knowledge, heart and total authenticity – influencers that get a good following, not though half as much as those who set out to fool.
Those who are not fussed at all about authenticity have the gift of the gab and present an image that others seek – they are entertainers – many are also puppets to their puppet masters – they are being used.
I read an article in February of 2019 which I kept for future reference for the writing of such an article.
The piece is about a person called, Andy Jordan. He acted in Made In Chelsea – which, I have never seen, however many have, apparently it was very popular.
Television stardom, for Andy Jordan, and many more like him; it was a platform that allowed him to become an ‘Influencer’!
In the article it says that he didn’t even have an Instagram account before he started performing the Made In Chelsea series in 2012.
The article gives quotes from the actor expressing that once he took to social media, thousands of people were watching what he was doing, following him and wanting to talk to him.?
He expressed that it was like a drug!
I am sure that he meant that it was an addiction to those following him and for him being followed.?
He notes in the article that it began to take its toll and speaks of the fact that he was selling things that he didn’t believe in – and that this was the last straw.
It is shared that he used to lie on social media to sell the products and listed items such as teeth whitening products, protein supplements and was offered all manner of things to promote to include liposuction.
He is quoted to have said that it was the easiest money that he ever made - something that is shared by influencers similar in style and type.
In the article it said that he decided to speak out because he had worries about the impact on young people, something that shows that his activities were hitting into his conscience, something that moved him to consider what he was doing.
It appears that some seemingly don't have a conscience or conveniently ignore it – choosing the perks over authenticity and rightful action!
It says in the article that he complied with the wishes of those who asked him to promote their products – he didn’t even go to the gym, but was still asked to promote protein products.
He highlights in the article that he felt this was insane – however, he was told by those around him that promote him to pretend.
Here is a link to that article. It is an enlightening read: Made In Chelsea's Andy Jordan: Being an influencer made me 'a puppet' -
Many people are paying the price of following the hype and inauthentic advice of a raft of influencers – they include the public and those honest influencers who deserve to make an honest living out of their hard work towards authentically gained knowledge and ability – those who know about, perhaps make, and actually use and consume the products and services that they promote.?
The BBC created a documentary which was promoted in the article - here is the link to that documentary entitled: Million Pound Selfie Sell-Off – BBC iPlayer:?
Much damage is being created by the type of 'so called influencers' spoken of in this post and featured in this documentary.
There needs to be more awareness and a whole lot more ‘taking to task’ of those who are being less that honest about their craft-which in many cases is being creatively deceitful.
We are all influencers, each and every one of us in some way or another, to include me.
I am someone who delves into these matters in order to put a spotlight upon such matters in order to influence greater insight in relation to the subject being covered.
It is my hope that this article influences those who read it to take a deeper look 'at' and 'into' those and that which influences them.
That it influences people to spread the word in order to enlighten and guide people away from the false and ‘at times’ seriously dangerous influencers – especially so your children and those who are vulnerable and likely gullible.
There are many honest influencers, those who pride themselves in promoting only what they know to be authentic - that which they know about, use themselves, and benefit from – seek them out, follow their guidance, support them.
Do so because they do not need to pay the price of lost livelihood because of deceitful trading practices – and neither do you deserve to be on the receiving end of it either.
It is not only loss of sales, it is the damage done to 'actual' knowledge and what constitutes 'REALITY.'
There is a physical toll to be considered on top of an emotional cost that is huge and on the rise, as well as the environmental impact, which is equally great.
There is a darker side to that which looks to be all sweetness and light!
Let us ‘each and all’ be mindful influencers 'of' and ‘in relation 'to' that!?
Article – ? Susanne Austin, 25th February 2023 (Note: all text written by Susanne personally unless lines or sections are stated as quoted text).
Susanne Rachel Austin writes on Personal and Environmental Wellbeing… 'Healthy People – ‘Healthy Environment’ - covering natural health and wellbeing, eco-build, sustainable, green and 'one planet' living as a business and daily lifestyle choice for all. Susanne is also the author of a daily ‘True Life Wisdom Of The Day’ shared upon several social media channels and is currently in the process of writing a book and putting together a series of workshops. Speaking engagements are also woven into these plans. Susanne’s new website is germinating 'Quite Naturally' in-line with this creative process and will be launched as and when complete.